
Reader's Digest Goes Ch. 11, The Weinsteins On the Brink

cityfile · 08/17/09 12:03PM

• Another media company falls: Reader's Digest Association, the publisher of Reader's Digest (duh) and a handful of other titles (like Every Day with Rachael Ray), says it will file for bankruptcy protection shortly. [Reuters]
• As you may have heard, things haven't been too well for Harvey Weinstein and his brother, Bob. So what will happen if they don't turn the mini-studio around? "I'll be... making cheap hamburgers, or selling trailers, or refrigerators, or something," says (a refreshingly honest) Harvey. [NYT]
• Fashion mags are looking a bit thin this fall, in case you haven't heard. [WSJ]
• Don't expect the feud between Bill O'Reilly and Keith Olbermann to dissipate: Ratings for both have been up since the war of words began anew. [LAT]
• Comedian Steve Harvey is joining Good Morning America. In related news, comedian Mo Rocca is hosting a web-based show for CBS News. [ABC, NYT]
District 9 was No. 1 at the box office this past weekend. [ABC News]

Apparently You Are Allowed to Say 'Pearl Necklace' on MSNBC

Richard Lawson · 06/24/09 09:29AM

Joe Scarborough's genial sausage-and-Starbucks-fest Morning Joe took on even more of a frat-dude vibe this morning as all the guys snickered about a "pearl necklace" while the lone lady, Mika Brzezinski was left wondering what was so funny. Poor, Mika.

MSNBC Seeks Citigroup Expertise From Owner Of Citigroup Center

Ryan Tate · 11/25/08 11:26PM

Citigroup is a pathetic loser of a corporation having needed three bailouts in as many decades. "Another large exposure for uncertain benefits," the corporate apologists at the Wall Street Journal editorial page declared of the latest Citi rescue. But the global banking giant is one of the largest tenants of Mort Zuckerman, the owner of Citigroup's world headquarters and of the nearby 59-story Citigroup Center, which Citi partly occupies. Why is NBC News allowing Zuckerman to pimp a rescue for Citi?

The Cosiest Co-Anchors

Nick Denton · 08/07/08 04:51PM

Breakfast shows can fail if the anchors don't have compatible chemistry. But the on-air flirtation can go too far. Case in point: Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC. The former Republican congressman-now reinvented as a liberal darling of cable news-hosts a show called Morning Joe with Brzezinski, daughter of Jimmy Carter's cold-war national security advisor. As this clip shows, Scarborough and Brzezinski-both married, Scarborough for the second time-have an exceedingly warm relationship; they'd better tone it down a bit because their on-air antics have convinced MSNBC grunts the two are pursuing an off-camera affair.

Penn Jillette Appalls Joe Scarborough With Old Joke

Pareene · 05/07/08 12:35PM

Loud, shouty, occasional magician Penn Jillette was on MSNBC, talking about politics. Why? It's unclear. He had some misogynistic anti-Hillary joke that became a YouTube thing a while back. Now the joke is old and tired (like HILLARY CLINTON, right??) but Penn dutifully repeated, along with his claim that the fact that the joke went over so well with his crazy audience meant Hil was doomed from day one. He doesn't really seem to think that says anything too terrible about the nation, but whatever. Point is: arbiter of civility Joe Scarborough disapproved. And sad Mika Brzezinski said only, "I don't like that." Clip attached.

MSNBC Foreign Policy Discussion Doubles As Adorable Father/Daughter Moment

Pareene · 03/21/08 12:54PM

So Mika Brzezinski, the daughter of former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, is apparently an on-air personality on MSNBC. Today Yesterday on Joe Scarborough's morning show, she co-interviewed her dad. It is a very serious talk about the Iraq war and Dr. Brzezinski's advisory work with Barack Obama, except Mika calls him "dad." Which is cute, but kinda disconcerting. It's a bit like Billy Bush interviewing George H. W. Bush, except with both parties involved being considerably less vile.