
A Gay Liberal New York Jew Rests Easy

Pareene · 01/09/08 11:12AM

Videographer Alex Goldberg's roommate-harassing (in the name of science!) continues. Last week, we watched Alex's poor roommate respond with violent gay rage to Mike Huckabee's Iowa win. But in New Hampshire, Huckabee vied for third with the rest of the losers (except for losers John McCain and Mitt Romney, who came in first and second, respectively), and everyone's favorite roommate slept like a child awaiting Santa. Except Jewish. [Previously]

Chuck Norris And Scarlett Johansson The Celebrity Face, Rack Of Political Change

seth · 01/04/08 12:42PM

For anyone with even a remotely legitimate interest in yesterday's historic Iowa caucus, we refer you to our Beltway brothers' coverage over at Wonkette. We, on the other hand, are purely fixated on how the celebrity factor figures into Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee being handed such landslide mandates for change from voters in the corn-shucking state. Huckabee's acceptance speech—capped by a funky improvisational jazz bass performance loosely inspired by the Barney Miller theme—was greeted by longtime kung-fu sparring companion Chuck Norris, hovering over his shoulder with the kind of warmly proud look one typically associates with future First Ladies. The Democratic side, meanwhile, benefited from a far bustier and less hirsute celebrity endorsement:

The Huckabees

Nick Denton · 01/04/08 10:15AM

Fat-hating coastal elites: meet the First Family of your nightmares. Here's the classic political portrait: surrounded by his family, in cute matching outfits, Mike Huckabee, the once-corpulent Arkansas governor, now slimline victor of the Iowa caucuses. That is: slimline by the standards of the fly-over states, and his own sons, for that matter. And they all believe in Jeebus.

A gay liberal New York Jew's response to the Iowa caucuses

Pareene · 01/04/08 09:25AM

Just in case you get all your breaking national news from Gawker, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee—preacher, used to be fat, from a town called Hope, nutty super-Christian—won the Iowa caucuses. How should you feel about this? Videographer Alex Goldberg secretly videotaped his liberal (and Jewish and gay) roommate's reaction to Huckabee's victory last night. Let it serve as a surrogate reaction for all of us.

Huckabee Shows Chops and Endorses Barack on The Tonight Show

Joshua Stein · 01/03/08 02:35AM

After a temporary reprieve from the unfunniness of Jay Leno, the big-chinned talk show host is back and with him presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee. Huckabee talks about being a fat kid, lays down some funky almost Clintonian licks and, at the end, weirdly endorses Barack Obama.

Digg selects the next president, Hillary not in running

Tim Faulkner · 11/21/07 03:22PM

The online news-voting site Digg has added a page tracking the Democratic and Republican candidates for president. Digg's a virtual unknown inside the Beltway, so the page's geek-skewed results aren't a true barometer of candidate popularity. They're more a gimmick by Digg founders Jay Adelson and Kevin Rose to guilt candidates into participating on their site. Predictably, the Internet's unlikely favorites lead: Barack Obama, Dennis Kucinich, and Mike Gravel on the Democratic side, Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee on the Republican side. You can view the candidates' favorite Digg stories — or rather, some anonymous campaign staffers' favorite stories. The lone holdout among candidates with a real shot at the nomination? Hillary Clinton. Her lack of participation shows she understands the true value of Web 2.0 in today's presidential election: none. An image of the current "Digg the President" leaders after the jump.

Pareene · 10/25/07 11:05AM

Despite a surfeit of youth-oriented clothes for young people being youthful from nearly all the Presidential candidate's official stores, Mike Huckabee is apparently the only candidate to offer his face on an American Apparel shirt. Because all the rest of them have crazy ideas about "unions" or something. Or is Huckabee just that hip? If you're wearing the AA Huckabee tank top and you put on a "Wellesley Women For Hillary" button would the universe collapse in on itself? [NYT]