
Iraq-Serving Senator Plagiarized His Army War College Thesis

Adam Weinstein · 07/23/14 03:18PM

John Walsh looks and sounds like a senator. The Democrat, who replaced retiring Max Baucus earlier this year and is running for reelection this fall, leans on his 33-year as a decorated combat soldier. But like a senator, he may have cheated and stolen to keep that career on track.

Adam Weinstein · 06/19/14 04:08PM

"Let me first assure you: We do not have a plan on the shelf for the invasion of Canada," the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told a Senate panel yesterday.

What's Happening in Iraq and What May Come Next, Explained

Adam Weinstein · 06/12/14 03:10PM

In the past week, Al Qaeda-connected Islamic militants have attacked multiple cities across Iraq and are rapidly consolidating power in the nation that the United States spent so much blood and treasure trying to stabilize. The situation is dire and dynamic. Here's some of what we know.

Local Police Departments Are Snapping Up Used U.S. Military Weapons

Andy Cush · 06/09/14 02:30PM

As the war in Afghanistan winds down, local police departments across the U.S. are snapping up leftover military equipment like M-16s, grenade launchers, and armored trucks from the Department of Defense. And why wouldn't they, when they're getting the gear for free?

Bowe Bergdahl Says He Was Tortured in Captivity

Andy Cush · 06/09/14 07:51AM

According to an Associated Press report, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has said that he was tortured, beaten, and kept in a cage by Taliban forces while held captive in Afghanistan. Bergdahl spoke of the torture — which allegedly came after he attempted to escape — to people treating him at a U.S. military medical center in Germany.

Military Color Guard Assigned to March in Gay Pride Parade

Adam Weinstein · 06/06/14 01:25PM

Conservative culture warriors may want to skip Saturday's big gay pride parade in Washington, seeing as how Dykes With Bikes will be joined by a Pentagon-approved U.S. military color guard—believed to be a first in the nation's history.

Missing Old Man Turns Up In France, With Medals, for D-Day Anniversary

Adam Weinstein · 06/06/14 11:37AM

An 89-year-old veteran who went missing from his retirement home in Sussex, England yesterday morning has been located: He showed up today on the beachhead of Normandy, medals pinned to his coat, to take in the anniversary celebration of the D-Day invasion.

Angry Conservatives Forgot Their Old Angry Tweets Supporting P.O.W.

Adam Weinstein · 06/04/14 03:05PM

Conservatives want you to know they're simply telling an inconvenient truth about the bad behavior of U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdahl and the Obama administration's effort to get him back from Taliban captivity. It's also a truth that's 180 degrees from the truth they tweeted lo, these many years ago!