
Chris Christie Thinks Your Government Spying Fears Are "Baloney"

Ashley Feinberg · 05/18/15 03:20PM

New Jersey Governor and snack gourmand Chris Christie stopped by the key primary state of New Hampshire today. At which point, Christie called for a major boost in military funding. But don’t fret over what this means for NSA snooping, because according to the bridge bandit himself, “All these fears are baloney.”

Poll: 45 Percent of Voters Worried Obama's Army Is About to Take Over

Ashley Feinberg · 05/12/15 03:17PM

With every day that passes, it seems like yet another politician is jumping aboard the good, maniacal ship Jade Helm conspiracy theory. And according to a new poll from Rasmussen, these lovable lunatics we elected into office are not alone. Because 45 percent of voters “are concerned” that Jade Helm is just a cover for martial law in the American Southwest.

Gawker Readers Share Friends and Families’ Cute Veteran Photos

J.K. Trotter · 11/11/14 05:40PM

Yesterday, Gawker asked readers about any attractive veterans they knew—either public figures or their own families. This post is dedicated to submissions we received for family members and friends—boyfriends and girlfriends, fathers and mothers, husbands and wives, and anyone else in-between. (You can read our earlier post for public figures here.)

Rick Perry's Border-Deployed National Guard Troops Haven't Been Paid

Adam Weinstein · 08/29/14 12:02PM

When Texas Gov. Rick Perry sent National Guard soldiers to the Mexico border to much fanfare earlier this summer, he couldn't say how long they'd be there. It turns out he also couldn't pay them: At least 50 soldiers haven't seen a paycheck and are getting sustenance and vehicle fuel from a local food bank.

Judge May Force Pentagon to Release 2,000 Unseen Abu Ghraib Photos

Adam Weinstein · 08/28/14 10:40AM

A U.S. district court judge has given the Department of Defense less than two weeks to convince him to halt the public release of thousands of never-before-seen inmate photos taken inside Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison while American forces operated it.

Middle-Aged American Volunteer Dies Fighting Pro-Russians in Ukraine

Adam Weinstein · 08/26/14 12:35PM

Ukrainian authorities quietly announced the deaths of four pro-government militia volunteers in heavy fighting with pro-Russian forces last week—including a Springsteen-loving, kindly bespectacled American with a tri-state accent and roots in the war-torn nation.

John Oliver Tackles Pointless Police Militarization in Ferguson

Jay Hathaway · 08/18/14 08:30AM

The police response to protesters in Ferguson, Mo., raised a lot more questions than it answered, and John Oliver took aim at one of the biggest on Sunday's Last Week Tonight: Why the hell does a local police force have all this military-grade equipment?

Dead Navy SEAL Who Said He Beat Jesse Ventura's Ass Now Owes Him $1.8M

Adam Weinstein · 07/29/14 04:15PM

Proving once again that he can do anything, former pro-wrestler, Minnesota governor and balding conspiracy theorist Jesse Ventura won a defamation suit against a dead Navy SEAL Tuesday afternoon, and the dead Navy SEAL's estate now owes Jesse Ventura $1.845 million.

U.S. Successfully Exports its Second Amendment Values to Afghanistan

Adam Weinstein · 07/28/14 12:13PM

This is America, and when America launches a war to make not-America more like America, by God, America does it right. Which is why we can now declare unconditional victory in Afghanistan: victory for the American bedrock value of flooding a country with legal guns that end up in illegal hands.

U.S. Officials: Images Prove Russia Fired Into Ukraine

Allie Jones · 07/28/14 07:23AM

In the wake of the MH17 crash, U.S. intelligence officials have been building their case that Russia and the pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine have been working together during the Ukrainian conflict. On Sunday, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released overhead images taken last week as evidence that the Russian military has fired into Ukraine.

U.S. Army Mistakenly Mails Israel Missile Agreement to a Gawker Reader

Adam Weinstein · 07/25/14 02:00PM

Last night, Gawker got a tip from a longtime reader: "I get a lot of emails for a different person with the same name as me," the message said. "Someone who works in some capacity in the government. I don't know if this one I just received about Israel, missiles, etc is even a thing." Yes, it's a thing.