
"It's Not How It Looks": Murder Suspect Defends Selfie With Corpse

Andy Cush · 06/19/14 03:25PM

Today in news that reads like bad satire aimed at amoral millennials: the tale of Kirsty Edmondson, a 23-year-old sex worker who allegedly killed a former teacher with a lethal heroin dose, took a selfie with his body, and lived in his apartment with the corpse for a week.

Idiot Millennials Not Ready to Die Yet

Hamilton Nolan · 05/29/14 09:06AM

Entitled members of the "millennial" generation—is there anything that they cannot destroy with their devil-may-care sense of youthful self-regard? The answer is "no." Millennials are now destroying even death.

Millennials Worth Less

Hamilton Nolan · 03/31/14 09:55AM

The young adults of America have been sold a dream for their entire lives: go to the right school, get the right job, buy a house, and live the American Dream. Ha. The American Dream is dead, school is a debt trap, and young people are losing the economic race with the old.

Hamilton Nolan · 11/08/13 11:33AM

Despite lacking the wherewithal to make their own sandwiches, entitled "Millennials" are demanding that the sandwiches made for them come on bread that is "unconventional," "unique," or even "wacky." It's about time for some famous newsman to ghostwrite another book about WWII, so we can hear how a real generation ate.

Study: Every Generation Is Exactly The Same So Get Over Yourself

Hamilton Nolan · 10/03/13 10:31AM

People slightly older or younger than you: what bizarre and despicable customs do they adhere to? How is the culture of them and their peers inferior to your own personal beliefs and practices? The shocking answer: Jesus Christ, this is all bullshit.

Hamilton Nolan · 09/24/13 08:54AM

"Millennial males are rebelling against the mass culture they grew up in," marketers say. Also: "One in three say they are 'sneaker obsessed.' And nearly 80% said American brands are cool again."

Millennials Are Taking Their Parents to Work With Them

Hamilton Nolan · 09/11/13 08:51AM

The so-called "Millennial" generation—the devil-may-care social media influencers who hold in their tepid little hands the metaphorical keys to America's future—are now old enough to be working at "real" jobs. But not old enough to forsake mommy's warm embrace.

Cord Jefferson · 08/05/13 05:39PM

According to a new Gallup poll, only 36 percent of 18 to 29 year olds have tried marijuana. That's down from 46 percent for the same age group in 1999, and 56 percent in 1985. What new barrier is preventing young people from getting as high as gas prices like their parents and grandparents before them?