
Video Shows 4chan White Supremacists Bringing Gun to Minneapolis Protest Days Before Shooting

Andy Cush · 11/24/15 01:53PM

On Thursday night, four days before unnamed gunmen shot five people at a Black Lives Matter protest in Minneapolis, video surfaced of two men driving toward ongoing demonstrations around the police shooting of Jamar Clark, one of them carrying what appears to be a handgun. “We’re going to see what these fucking dindus are up to,” one of the men says near the beginning of the video. “And yes, we are locked and loaded.”

Undercover Cops Sue City After Being Caught Allegedly Getting Hand Jobs From Prostitutes

Andy Cush · 10/09/15 02:17PM

Three undercover Minneapolis cops are suing the city, county, and state of Minnesota after their names were made public in connection to an investigation into prostitution at city massage parlors. The officers’ complaint would be understandable if it weren’t for the circumstances under which their names were released: they were reprimanded for allegedly having gone a little too deep undercover during the hooker bust, if you’re picking up what I’m laying down.

Lacey Donohue · 10/16/13 06:26PM

A judge has ordered the 9-year-old boy who sneaked aboard a Delta flight to Las Vegas two weeks ago to live away from his parents while they all undergo therapy. The boy’s parents will be allowed visitation and phone contact with the boy while he stays in a county facility.

Lacey Donohue · 10/08/13 06:26PM

The 9-year-old boy who flew to Las Vegas without a ticket isn’t new to such shenanigans. He apparently has a “history” of taking the light rail without his parents to a local water park where he would sneak in by hiding with large families. And just two weeks ago, the boy stole a car and was arrested on the highway.

Don't Shoot at Cops Because You're 'Bored'

Lauri Apple · 09/18/11 02:58PM

One night back in July, 18-year-old Minneapolis resident Malo Dashaunta Gomez decided that the best way to cure his boredom was to shoot off his gun. So he saw some cops hanging out in a squad car and fired off nine rounds at them. Problem solved?

Watch Newt Gingrich Get Showered with Glitter

Max Read · 05/17/11 08:13PM

Haven't you always dreamed of seeing Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich awash in in the twinkling light of party glitter? Now you can, thanks to gay activist Robert Erickson, who glitter-bombed Gingrich at a Minneapolis book signing on Tuesday night.

These Are the Gayest Cities in America?

Brian Moylan · 01/12/11 01:27PM

Gay magazine The Advocate used its own formula to assemble a list of the most homotastic cities in America and published the results today. You may be shocked by which city is the gayest, and which ones don't even rank.