
Mitt Romney Could Have a Harem if He Wanted, Insists National Review

Max Read · 08/22/12 03:16PM

For the last few days, the Republican Party has been reeling over the shockingly retrograde attitudes towards rape and abortion expressed by one of its senate candidate — attitudes that reveal an ignorance about, and disregard for, women and women's health. But into the breach rides The National Review's Kevin D. Williamson, ready to show American women (and the non-women who love them) that the Republican party is inclusive, open, and highly respectful to women:

Who Is the Biggest Bro in the Presidential Race?

Max Read · 08/17/12 09:40AM

Who is the biggest bro in the presidential race? It's probably the most important question that we'll answer in this election cycle. Barack Obama drinks a lot of beer ("Consumer research," The Washington Post writes, "shows that beer is most popular with the very voters that Obama and Romney are fighting over: middle-America independents.") — but Mitt Romney has an M.B.A. Paul Ryan ("the frattiest veep candidate in American history") loves Rage Against the Machine — but Joe Biden went to the University of Delaware. So who can call himself the Bro Candidate?

Romney: 'I've Never Paid Less Than 13 Percent in Taxes'

Max Read · 08/16/12 11:36AM

Talking wooden doll Mitt Romney refuses to release any of his tax returns older than two years — but like the good sport he is, he provides us all with little clues about how much he's been paying. Like today: "I never paid less than 13 percent," he told reporters in South Carolina. "I think the most recent year is 13.6 percent." Thirteen percent, eh? "[A]nd if you add in addition the amount that goes to charity, why the number gets well above 20 percent." Sure, and if you add in addition any kind of numbers that aren't actually taxes the number gets even higher. [via Buzzfeed]

John Sununu Bitchily Tells Soledad O'Brien She Should Just 'Put an Obama Bumper Sticker on Her Forehead'

Kate Bennert · 08/15/12 05:13PM

In an interview this morning with Mitt Romney's surrogate John Sununu that was really just a shouting match, CNN's Soledad O'Brien attempted to explain to the former New Hampshire governor that the lies about Obama "stealing $700 billion" from Medicare are still, in fact, lies. But amidst her several attempts to get the facts straight and move on, At the 4:35 mark Sununu tells her she might as well just "put an Obama bumper sticker on her forehead." Which doesn't go over well.

How Paul Ryan Will Screw You

Max Read · 08/13/12 02:40PM

This past weekend, Mitt Romney named Republican congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate, leading everyone to wonder: how will this asshole screw me, personally, if he is elected vice-president in November? Luckily for you, we have answers.