
Jon Stewart Can't Understand Why the GOP Hates Romney When He Is Their Ideal

Matt Toder · 01/09/12 11:44PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart took a look at some of the GOP infighting and realized there's only two things that the field can agree on: that class warfare is bad and that Mitt Romney is too rich. The funny part is that Mitt symbolizes all the free market, no regulations, breaks for job creators stuff that they all spout continually. Did I say "funny?" I actually meant "typical of a group of people willing to say and do anything to get what they want."

The Republican Assault on Capitalism and Its Cherished Leader, Mitt Romney

Jim Newell · 01/09/12 12:37PM

Well it's about time that these losers got around to knocking the dickens out of Mitt Romney, that great labor liquidator of the shareholder value revolution. Everyone, right and left, is pointing and laughing the sad galoot over this clip, in which he says he likes firing people. No, scratch that: He says he likes "being able to fire people." What does he really say?

Jon Stewart Addresses the Results of the Iowa Caucuses

Matt Toder · 01/04/12 11:39PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart had his chance to address the results of the Iowa Caucuses. He paid special attention to the candidates' speeches, making sure to highlight Marcus Bachmann's doggie sunglasses shopping spree and Ron Paul's obscure reference to a couple of Austrian economists. Stewart also had some choice words for winner Mitt Romney and his public persona which he purchased along with his victory.

Prepare for Newt Gingrich's Greatest Display of Self-Destruction Yet

Jim Newell · 01/04/12 04:30PM

Newt Gingrich never got to complete his political career. He only lasted as Speaker of the House, a job he'd successfully wrangled after plotting his path for a psychotic 14 years, for a couple of terms, the latter half of which he spent as an incompetent figurehead. He was reprimanded and fined for ethics violations and forced out of power by the House Republican majority he'd brought to power for the first time in half a century.

Does Mitt Romney Have a Birther Son?

Jim Newell · 12/30/11 12:14PM

Mitt Romney, who is up by 700 percentage points in New Hampshire at the moment, has dispatched his spawn to hold things down in "The Granite State" while he pretends to care about Iowans for a few days. Bad idea, Mittens. Because of your incompetent sons is spreading Birther talk up there! What is wrong with Matt Romney?

Stephen Colbert Dissects Christine O'Donnell's Endorsement of Mitt Romney

Matt Toder · 12/15/11 12:20AM

On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert re-examined the Republican race now that Christine O'Donnell has endorsed Mitt Romney. It's a great excuse to run down the list of the other big names who have thrown their support behind the candidates. Except for Rick Santorum who is endorsing himself.

Jon Stewart Pits Romney Against Obama To See Who Has the Bigger Sack

Matt Toder · 12/14/11 11:54PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart pitted Mitt Romney against President Obama in the only category that truly matters: ball size. Each man has a legitimate claim to the prize, Romney for suggesting that Newt Gingrich is inconsistently conservative and Obama for asking Iran to return the downed drone that was spying on them. The competition was most certainly stiff and, in the end, President Obama won by a hair.

The 10 Least Fascinating People of 2011

Seth Abramovitch · 12/14/11 06:50PM

Tonight, the American Broadcast Company airs Barbara Walters Presents: The 10 Most Fascinating People of 2011, wherein TV's grande dame of celebrity reacharounds offers profiles of some of the most spellbinding figures of our time. This year's list includes the likes of Katy Perry (fascinating breasts), Donald Trump (fascinating hair), Simon Cowell (also fascinating breasts), Herman Cain (finds breasts fascinating), and the Kardashians (fascinatingly stupid). As a companion piece, we have compiled this list of The 10 Least Fascinating People of 2011. Think of it as a love letter to everyone who bored, bothered, or left us utterly cold over the past 12 months.

Mitt Romney's Chat with a Gay Veteran About as Awkward as It Sounds

Jim Newell · 12/12/11 01:57PM

Oh Christ, someone on Team Romney is going to get fired today: Poor old Mittens was forced to talk to a human, one-on-one, with cameras rolling. And not just any human, but a gay one. Who was a veteran. In Vietnam. Which was a war. And so on. Yikes.

'Not Going Negative,' the Most Meaningless Campaign Pledge

Jim Newell · 12/12/11 12:55PM

Just as Newt Gingrich was rising to his spot as the nearly prohibitive favorite to win the Republican presidential nomination, he made a pledge not to "go negative" on his political opponents. Or, in cocksure Newt-speak: "They're not going to be the nominee. I don't have to go around and point out the inconsistencies of people who aren't going to be the nominee. They're not going to be the nominee." But guess who's pointing out his opponents' "inconsistencies today, and always, very negatively? This is the worst pledge ever.

Chris Christie Somehow Contains His Temper While Getting Mic Checked

Jim Newell · 12/08/11 01:15PM

The good Governor Sandwiches of New Jersey, our old pal Chris Christie, was out stumping for Mitt Romney in Iowa yesterday (poor guy) when local America- and capitalism-destroying monsters of Occupy Des Moines pulled out the "people's mic" on him.

Jon Stewart Explains Why the Trump Debate Will Be the Best Ever

Matt Cherette · 12/06/11 11:43PM

On Friday, the conservative website Newsmax announced it would hold a Republican presidential debate on December 27, moderated by none other than Donald Trump. Only Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich have so far accepted the invitation, with Jon Huntsman and Mitt Romney refusing it—even Karl Rove doesn't like the idea! But you know who is excited about the prospect of a Trump Debate? Jon Stewart, as he explained on tonight's Daily Show.

Republican Strategists Warn Against Attacking Obama Personally

Jim Newell · 12/06/11 02:40PM

Being a carefree Republican gasbag isn't always as fun as it seems. All they want to do is call President Obama the worst names and insult his heritage. And yet personally attacking the president, as Republican strategists said in what was supposed to be a private conference call today, would seriously turn off the many swing voters needed to win a general election. Having to build majority coalitions on a national scale just takes the joy out of life, doesn't it?

Mitt Romney Reminds Voters of Their Horrible, Horrible Fathers

Jim Newell · 12/05/11 03:50PM

What flavor of eternal hatred for Mitt Romney are Republican primary voters trying out this week? He's not merely a liar, an opportunist, a socialist, and a member of the Utahan Space Jesus cult anymore. Now he's also the dad who went out for cigarettes and never came back, or did come back, only to ignore you.

Mitt Romney's Brilliant Lecture on the Art of Flip-Flopping

Jim Newell · 12/05/11 12:50PM

Here, courtesy of old Romney clip digger-upper Andrew Kaczynski, is Mitt Romney describing to a group of uninterested old Iowa ladies at the 2004 Republican convention the phenomenon of John Kerry's flip-flopping. It's an excellent briefer on how competent politicians can end up flip-flopping. Thanks, Mitt Romney!

Jon Stewart: 'Mitt Romney Is His Own Mistress'

Matt Cherette · 12/02/11 12:04AM

On Tuesday, Republican presidential obsessive Mitt Romney agreed to a rare one-on-one interview with Fox News' Brett Baier, which turned quite sour the moment Baier dared to ask Romney why he's been on every side of every issue. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart noted that Romney's reaction when asked about his political flip-flopping resembled that of Herman Cain when asked about alleged mistress Ginger White.