
Mitt Romney Has Not Gotten Any Less Awkward Since 1994

Jim Newell · 12/01/11 11:50AM

Any day when even a single second of new footage of Mitt Romney trying to interact with human beings hits YouTube is going to be a good day, and here we've got four whole uncut minutes of it! This is quite a score, comedy-wise.

The Joy of Watching a Flustered Mitt Romney

Jim Newell · 11/30/11 12:30PM

Mitt Romney doesn't give all that many in-person, one-on-one interviews, and perhaps this rare exception for Fox News' Bret Baier shows why. He gets snippy at any mention of him lacking convictions, or flip-flopping all the time, as though these are not the major concerns about him among the Republican base. Watch him anger-laugh all of these questions away! "Hey Mitt, why do you love health care mandates so much?" "HA HA, BRET, YOU ARE TOO GOOD, TOO GOOD, HA HA HA (I WILL KILL YOU.)"

Stephen Colbert Defends Mitt Romney's Misleading Obama Attack Ad

Matt Cherette · 11/29/11 12:48AM

Remember that completely misleading Mitt Romney ad that attacked President Obama for saying something that was actually said by John McCain, whom Obama was quoting in the video that Romney used to make said ad? On tonight's Report, Stephen Colbert explained why Romney should issue No Apology for it.

Mitt Romney's Dark History of Occasional Rage

Jim Newell · 11/28/11 03:55PM

We're still monitoring Mitt Romney for the moment in which his bottled-up frustrations rise to an unsustainable level and he explodes, in triumphant fashion. But what would it look like? Well, there'd be body parts to go along with the machine parts laying all over the place, of course, since it would be an explosion. But stories of his previous outbursts offer some clues for what the build-up to the final blast might look like.

Mitt Romney Flip-Flops on His Own Name at GOP Debate

Matt Cherette · 11/22/11 08:32PM

The CNN Republican national security debate is currently underway in Washington, DC. At its onset, moderator Wolf Blitzer invited the candidates to introduce themselves after providing them with a sample: "I'm Wolf Blitzer, and yes, that's my real name." When it was Mitt Romney's turn, the former Massachusetts governor said, "I'm Mitt Romney, and, uh, yes, Wolf, that's also my first name." Except that Romney's first name is actually Willard?

Romney's First TV Ad Is, Like Romney, Boring and Wrong

Max Read · 11/21/11 11:37PM

Here's Mitt Romney's first television ad! It is fantastic, in the sense that it manages to encapsulate, in the span of one minute, the entire Romney "brand": boring, wrong, nonspecific and slightly dishonest. (It's not so fantastic in the "at all engaging to watch" sense.)

Mitt Romney Is Impure, Going to Mormon Hell

Jim Newell · 11/21/11 05:09PM

Mitt Romney is a good Mormon, a model member really, who does not drink alcohol or coffee or smoke tobacco. Sorry, let me fix that: Mitt Romney was a good Mormon, or at least considerd such, until today. He's come clean and admitted that he has, in fact, imbibed death juice and — dare we say it? — puffed a death puffer. Another flip-flop, and one that could land him an eternity on whatever distant sulfuric planet it is (Delaware?) that they keep Mormon Hell on these days.

Jon Stewart Highlights Some Surprises from the Latest GOP Debate

Matt Cherette · 11/15/11 12:37AM

On Saturday night, CBS brought us the first hour of a 90-minute debate between the Republican candidates for President (apparently, an NCIS rerun was more important than an extra half-hour of politics). But as Jon Stewart observed on tonight's Daily Show, mixed in with the standard GOP talking points—like the belief that waterboarding isn't torture—were some less crazy ones, and from the unlikeliest of candidates.

Michele Bachmann Calls Mitt Romney a Cheap Commie

TPM · 11/07/11 12:50PM

You may have heard Republicans call President Obama a socialist a few times. But now Michele Bachmann is using the loaded term to attack Mitt Romney, dropping a veiled shot at an unnamed "frugal socialist" who could challenge Obama in 2012.

Mayor Bloomberg to GOP Field: You Are a Bunch of Idiots

Seth Abramovitch · 11/03/11 10:54PM

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg addressed an international economic forum at Columbia University on Thursday, during which he sounded off against certain, nameless, intellectually substandard presidential candidates who claim not to believe in things like the theory of evolution and global warming.

Mitt Romney: 'I've Been as Consistent as Human Beings Can Be'

Jim Newell · 11/03/11 04:11PM

Mitt Romney, when pressed by a New Hampshire editorial board about his *somewhat* contradictory opinions on top political issues over the last decade, had this to say: "I've been as consistent as human beings can be." Hmm. Really? He must be joking. Really? Oh, Mittens.

Democrats' Most Terrifying Anti-Romney Ad Yet

Jim Newell · 11/02/11 11:37AM

Here's a new 90-seconder from the Democratic Super PAC Priorities USA highlighting all of the things that could go wrong if the country elects Satan as the next president. Or is that Mitt Romney? It's hard to tell, with all of the terror screams and thunder and all around evil atmosphere going on here.

Jon Stewart: Cain Is Creepy, Perry's Just Drunk

Matt Cherette · 10/31/11 11:35PM

Over the weekend, we learned that Herman Cain faced accusations of sexual harassment while heading the National Restaurant Association in the '90s. We also saw video of a possibly inebriated (and pretty fey) Rick Perry delivering a bizarre speech in New Hampshire. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart poked fun at both Cain and Perry as he weighed what effect these mishaps will have on their presidential aspirations. And while it's still too early to know for sure, there was one thing of which Stewart was certain: "Mitt Romney is the luckiest Motherfudger on Earth."

Rick Perry Hates Debates Almost as Much as He Hates Mitt Romney

Matt Cherette · 10/25/11 08:25PM

Rick Perry stopped off at The O'Reilly Factor this evening to lay out the economic plan he announced this morning. But the interview's more amusing moments came when the Republican presidential candidate blamed his drop in the polls on the recent round of GOP debates—their general format, not his performance in them—and then took some shots at mortal enemy Mitt Romney, who will "say whatever [he needs] to say for whatever office [he's] running for."