
Mitt Romney Is Not the 45th President of the United States and Here's Why

Taylor Berman · 11/07/12 01:53AM

Mitt Romney's concession speech was surprisingly gracious, at least compared to other parts of his campaign, but, like the man himself, it was also incredibly boring. He covered all the standard points: he began by congratulating the Obamas (and this time, thankfully, there was no booing), and then thanked Paul Ryan, his wife Ann ("She would have been a wonderful first lady," which, no, but still a sweet gesture), his creepy sons, and his campaign. Teachers, professors, rabbis, pastors and parents all got shout outs as did, of course, "job creators." And he ended it with: "I believe in America. I believe in the people of America." He forgot to add, "Except for 47% of them. Those people, I really don't believe in at all."

The Gawker 2012 Election Night Liveblog

Max Read · 11/06/12 07:45PM

Tonight, on television: the season finale of American Politics. After millions of years of campaigning, human president Barack Obama and liquid-metal terminator Mitt Romney will meet on the Sacred Plains for the mythical and deadly Dance of Swords, the traditional choosing ceremony for our people. Who will win their bloody game? Who will retain control the Senate? Will Chris Christie finally attract the attention of his crush Bruce Springsteen? Will top CNN analyst The Hologram seize return to prophesy the birth of a God-Emperor whose reign will surpass a thousand years? Crack election experts "the staff of" will be here to "live-blog" the results as those questions — and more! — are answered. Join us!

Exit Poll Bingo With Matt Drudge

John Cook · 11/06/12 06:43PM

Exit polls are out! Exit polls are meaningless and often wrong! But Matt Drudge has posted them, and amended them, and rejiggered them, to make things look better for Mitt Romney. Because they don't look good for Mitt Romney. In fact, they look like he lost.

For Whom and What Are You Voting, and Why?

Cord Jefferson · 11/06/12 04:25PM

It is Election Day! Time for Americans to come together after months and months of vindictive, divisive, hateful caterwauling about politics and finally put all the barking to a vote. Instagram user outmouth voted for "a gay dog" for president, as you can see above. That was probably not a wise decision, especially if he or she lives in Ohio. But that's the beauty of democracy: Every clown and madman gets to do it as long as they're over 18 and haven't committed a felony.

Vote for Obama If You Like Human Beings

Mobutu Sese Seko · 11/06/12 01:00PM

It is difficult to have a rational conversation about reelecting Barack Obama. The right still likes to believe the left considers him "Obamessiah." Progressives seem to salivate at how pristinely their principles appear next to his shortcomings. And those young enough to not have experienced the soulfucker that was Clinton's second term almost revel in their worldly contempt after seeing their 2008 dreams brought low. Look, ma, I got my political disenchantment badge!

New York Daily News Endorses Romney

MTanzer · 11/04/12 12:32PM

Four years ago, the Daily News endorsed Obama, seeing a historic figure whose intelligence, political skills and empathy with common folk positioned him to build on the small practical experience he would bring to the world's toughest job. We valued Obama's pledge to govern with bold pragmatism and bipartisanship.

Here's Video of Mitt Romney Saying "It's Not Right" That Gay People Are Having Children

John Cook · 10/29/12 10:11AM

Last week Murray Waas reported in the Boston Globe that as governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney refused to change the state's birth certificate to acknowledge legal births to same-sex parents. Gay couples with children were to cross out "mother" or "father" on the forms and write themselves in, leaving their children's official documents permanently altered. Romney later explained the thinking behind the decision this way: "Some gays are actually having children born to them. It's not right on paper. It's not right in fact." Here's the video.

Former Colin Powell Aide States the Obvious: 'My Party Is Full of Racists'

Jordan Sargent · 10/27/12 10:09AM

The GOP is pretty racist. I could list examples, but we'd be here for the rest of eternity. This week's particular "widely believed racist conspiracy that some old, white Republican was dumb enough to say in public" comes from Mitt Romney co-chair and ex-George H.W. Bush chief of staff John Sununu, who said that Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama because Powell disagrees with Romney's foreign policy. Wait, no, it's because they're both black.

Man Auctions Off Part of His Face for Romney Tattoo, Gets $15,000

Taylor Berman · 10/26/12 07:04PM

On Wednesday, cool guy Eric Hartsburg auctioned off a 5-by-2 inch spot on the right side of his face for a Mitt Romney tattoo. The winning bid? $15,000, from an anonymous Republican eBay user. This means real estate on Hartsburg's face is worth $1,500 per square inch, which is pretty good considering the trio of lip piercings nearby.