
Binders Full of Barbs: The Third Gawker 2012 Presidential Debate Liveblog

Mobutu Sese Seko · 10/22/12 07:55PM

It's time for another presidential debate, but this one is different, because everyone will follow the rules and tell the truth. This is the foreign policy debate, which means we get to witness the Lucky Alien Sweepstakes, in which the two candidates' answers determine just which nation's people have won the right to be torched alive from airborne American hellfire. CROSS YOUR FINGERS, SYRIA.

This Election Is Tied? Yeah Right

Hamilton Nolan · 10/22/12 03:15PM

I see all these people out here talking about how the presidential election this year "now appears to be a dead heat." Yeah right. You go right on ahead with that, Sherlock. Feed that one into the computer, good plan.

Texas Church Calling Obama a 'Muslim Communist' Could Have Its Tax-Exempt Status Revoked

Cord Jefferson · 10/22/12 12:55PM

The small town of Leakey, Texas (pop. 387), is stirring with an excitement not felt since the Leakey High Eagles last won the state football championship in 1975. But this latest stir has less to do with victory and far more to do with pure ignorant hatred, compliments of Leakey's nondenominational Church in the Valley.

'Paul Ryan Shirtless' Is Googled 9 Times More Often Than 'Paul Ryan Budget' & Other Election-Related Google Facts

Taylor Berman · 10/21/12 07:05PM

A recent post on the New York Times Campaign Stops blog discusses all sorts of Google search-related political factoids. The point of the analysis is, for the Times' purpose, to act as a predictor (or, the article's title puts it, a "crystal ball") for the election. But it also offers up important information about how often people do things like search for topless photos of Paul Ryan, or, on the more depressing end of the spectrum, how often people searched for "Obama" in conjunction with "KKK." Here are some of more interesting searches:

Robert Kessler · 10/19/12 02:20PM

The Salt Lake Tribune endorses Kenyan President Barack Obama. Has Mittens lost the Mormons?

Clear Channel's Intimidating Voter Fraud Billboards: Coming to a Black Neighborhood Near You

Cord Jefferson · 10/19/12 12:30PM

An anonymous "family foundation" has paid for nearly 150 threatening voter fraud ads to go up around the Midwest, often in predominately black and Latino neighborhoods (the one above looms across the street from a housing project in Cleveland). The ads, 85 of which have appeared in Milwaukee and 60 of which are now around Cleveland and Columbus, read, "Voter fraud is a felony! Up to 3 1/2 years & $10,000 fine."

Dilbert Creator Scott Adams Endorses Mitt Romney For the Stupidest Possible Reason

Jordan Sargent · 10/18/12 06:49PM

Dilbert creator Scott Adams is a rich white man who has turned his allegiance to Mitt Romney — I'll give you a moment to regain your composure. Okay. On Wednesday, Adams wrote a mildly coherent blog post explaining why he will be voting for Mitt Romney in November, one that starts with a hypothetical situation that includes the phrase, "For the record, President Obama did not technically kill anyone to get elected."

Always Bet on Me: Mitt Romney's Order to the Bosses of Wage Slaves

Mobutu Sese Seko · 10/18/12 11:00AM

If you are a business owner, Mitt Romney has a message for you. Tell your employees that the future depends on voting for Mitt Romney. You can do that, legally. In fact, tell them—the people whose paychecks you sign—that their futures depend on it, too.