
Watch Moms Admit the Shocking Things Their Kids Don't Know About Them

Jay Hathaway · 05/07/14 01:02PM

Before they gave the precious gift of life to their ungrateful children, our moms were regular people with lives of their own. They had careers, ambitions, talents, dope, naked mud wrestling matches, and tons of casual sex with workers of all stripes. Especially plumbers, for some reason.

Brad Pitt's Mom Writes Excellent Crazy Person Letter to Local Paper

Taylor Berman · 07/05/12 09:44PM

For those of us with family members prone to quasi-racist, half-coherent Thanksgiving dinner rants, it's a relief to know the rich and famous sometimes go through the same thing. Celebrities: they're just like us. Brad Pitt's mom is apparently just such a loon, although she's more of the letter-to-the-editor kind, which is dying art these days and should be applauded with a slow, cautious clap. Anyway, Jane Pitt, Brad and Doug's mother, wrote a letter to The Springfield News-Leader which, amongst other things, says:

When My Mother and I Were Obsessed with Death

Maureen O'Connor · 05/13/12 12:45PM

For four years, my mother had a crippling fear of death. It started during her first bout with breast cancer. While recovering from her mastectomy, she insisted on driving my father to and from work, so that if he died in a car accident she'd be there to say good-bye. Nobody in our family was allowed to drive in bad weather, lest the vehicles hydroplane and we die. Christmas traditions were banned; anything that reminded my mother of the passing of time reminded her of death. She objected to my teen sleeping habits: "Just lying there all morning, like you are dead. How do I know you are not dead?" Chastised for her morbidity, my mother would snap, "You don't understand."

Ride the M Train Today, Moms

Louis Peitzman · 05/13/12 11:20AM

Today is an especially good day to take the M if you're a mother — or if you can fake it. Someone has been putting up "Reserved for mothers today" stickers all over the cars, which I think means you're legally required to stand if you've never raised a kid.

Mom Who Posed With Boob in Preschooler's Mouth: 'It's Not Right for Everybody'

Maureen O'Connor · 05/11/12 11:16AM

Jamie Lynne Grumet, whose left breast achieved stardom this week by appearing on the cover of Time while inside her nearly four-year-old son's mouth, went on the Today Show to discuss the controversial cover. With son Aram mewling by her side (wouldn't it be great if she'd whipped out a tit and shoved it in his mouth, right then and there?) Jamie explained that attachment parenting "is not for everybody," and that she isn't trying to judge anyone. She also notes that she's getting guff from breastfeeding critics and advocates:

Perhaps 1-800-GET-THIN Was Not the Panacea You Imagined

Hamilton Nolan · 12/14/11 03:50PM

Twin surgery! Young insurance! Teen weedheads! Statin flu! Cookie dough! Thin tricks! Working moms! ADHD drugs! And the very latest cigarette news from Eastern Europe! It's your Wednesday Health Watch, where we watch your health—sickeningly!

Play Date of the Century: Angelina Jolie and Gwen Stefani

Maureen O'Connor · 09/26/11 06:51PM

Behold, a play date that will make a thousand social-climbing mommies seethe with envy: Angelina Jolie brought her brood to Gwen Stefani's London home today, for a play date and dinner. Looks like Kingston and Shiloh got into one of their moms' makeup kits?