Jamie Lynne Grumet, whose left breast achieved stardom this week by appearing on the cover of Time while inside her nearly four-year-old son's mouth, went on the Today Show to discuss the controversial cover. With son Aram mewling by her side (wouldn't it be great if she'd whipped out a tit and shoved it in his mouth, right then and there?) Jamie explained that attachment parenting "is not for everybody," and that she isn't trying to judge anyone. She also notes that she's getting guff from breastfeeding critics and advocates:

Grumet: I understand some of the breast-feeding advocates are actually upset about this.

Today correspondent Savannah Guthrie: Are they, why?

Grumet: I feel like they don't show the nurturing side to attachment parenting, which is, you know, more—this isn't how we breast-feed at home. It's more of a cradling, nurturing situation, and I understand what [breastfeeding advocates] are saying. But I do understand why Time chose this picture, because it's going to be such a, you know, it did create such a media craze, to get the dialogue.

She's intelligent and frankly quite reasonable. I'm going take Jamie's side on this thing, in part because I find it inspiring that one could bear a child and breastfeed for years on end, and still look that cute. [Today Show]