Treasury Reimburses Man $500 for Mangled Dogshit-Stained Bills
Lacey Donohue · 10/02/13 07:29PM
Wayne Klinkel of Helena, Montana was reimbursed $500 Monday by the federal government after the family dog ate a wad of cash at Christmastime. In December, Klinkel and his wife left Sundance, their 12-year-old Golden Retriever, in the car while they ate at a diner; after eating, they realized the cash they’d left in the car was gone and that Sundance, who eats “anything in sight,” was responsible for the disappearance.
Montana Teacher Who Raped Student Free After 31-Day Sentence
Taylor Berman · 09/26/13 03:12PM
The former teacher who admitted raping his 14-year-old student was released from a Montana prison today after serving 30 days of his 31-day sentence. Stacey Rambold received the lenient sentence last month, after a Montana judge said the victim was “older than her chronological age” and “as much in control of the situation” as Rambold.
Prosecutors Appeal "Older than Her Chronological Age" Rape Ruling
Gabrielle Bluestone · 09/04/13 06:21PMJudge Apologizes for “Chronological Age” Comment, Defends Sentencing
Taylor Berman · 08/28/13 08:07PMTeacher Gets Just 30 Days in Jail for Raping 14-Year-Old Student
Taylor Berman · 08/27/13 09:18PM
A former high school teacher convicted of raping his 14-year-old student, who would commit suicide three years later, will spend just 30 days in jail. Yellowstone County district judge G. Todd Baugh sentenced Stacey Dean Rambold to 15 years but suspended all but 31 days, in part because Judge Baugh said the 14-year-old victim was “older than her chronological age” and “as much in control of the situation” as Rambold.
Lessons in the Darkness: Young Life Unsupervised in Montana
Gyasi Ross · 05/25/13 01:00PM
We will call her "Lydia Bearback." Lydia Bearback and I were elementary classmates on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in a town called Browning, Montana. Browning is a small town in Northern Montana with a population of a whisker over 1000. Like most Indian reservations on the Great Plains, the Blackfeet Reservation was governmentally engineered to be poor, and my family was poorer than most. Destructive public policies have decimated Indigenous economies. These policies, combined with utterly remote geographic location, have led to 70 percent unemployment for decades. "Let them kill, skin, and sell until the buffalo is exterminated," General Sherman said, "as it is the only way to bring lasting peace and allow civilization to advance."
'Rifleman's Journal' Host Shot and Killed by Apparently Jealous Husband in Murder-Suicide
Taylor Berman · 03/10/13 06:58PM
Gregory Rodriguez, the host of the Sportsman Channel show The Rifleman's Journey, was killed Friday night, the victim of a murder-suicide by an apparently jealous husband, according to Montana police. Rodriguez, who is also an editor at Shooting Times Magazine and a contributing editor at Petersen's Hunting, Guns & Ammo, was visiting a woman at the woman's mother's home in Whitefish, Montana when Wayne Bengston, the woman's husband, showed up. It remains unclear what Rodriguez and the woman were doing at the time, but whatever it was, it sent the 41-year-old Bengston into a rage; shortly after entering the home, he shot and killed Rodriguez and severely beat his wife.
Montana TV Station's Emergency Alert System Hacked, Warns of Zombie Apocalypse
Robert Kessler · 02/11/13 06:25PMAn emergency alert interrupted Montana television viewers as they watched the Steve Wilkos Show Monday, and calmly informed them that "dead bodies are rising from their graves."
Montana Tourism Promoter Accidentally Posts 'F This Job' on State's Official Facebook Page, Probably Has One Less Thing to Complain About
Neetzan Zimmerman · 12/07/12 01:51PMMontana Voters Deprive Corporations Of Their Humanity
Oscar Mitchell · 11/08/12 06:45PM
When you went to Wal-Mart today, you probably could not help but notice that the store was sad. That is because on Tuesday Montana voters overwhelmingly voted to deprive them of their humanity. Initiative 166 was passed with 75% of the vote, and states that corporations are "not entitled to constitutional rights because they are not human beings." The initiative was on the ballot due to the United States Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United, which held that corporations are cuddly people just like you and me, and are entitled to drop limitless amounts of money into political campaigns.
Schrödinger's Meth Lab Found in Montana
Mallory Ortberg · 10/13/12 04:25PMMontana Ice Cream Company Tells Local Muslim Customer 'We Don't Deliver to Pakistan'
Neetzan Zimmerman · 09/27/12 09:40AMMan Dressed as Bigfoot Run Over While Trying to Kickstart Sasquatch Sighting Rumor
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/28/12 08:48AM'Kindness in America' Author Admits He Shot Himself
Neetzan Zimmerman · 06/15/12 03:01PM'Mountain Man' Kidnapper Is Ready to Be Paroled, Thanks
Louis Peitzman · 04/14/12 04:45PMJudge Sorry For Racist Email About Obama's Mom Having Sex with Dogs
Maureen O'Connor · 03/01/12 01:13PMMontana Town Becomes Haven for Angry White People
Jeff Neumann · 06/22/11 05:50AM
The picturesque mountain town of Kalispell, Montana (pop: 19,927) is becoming a haven for extremists after several marquee names from various angry white person groups have set up shop there. And just last week, ex-Kalispell militia leader and wearer of fanny packs David Burgert got into a gunfight with sheriff's deputies a few hours away from the town.