
What the Amish Taught Me About Breastfeeding My Baby

Laura Cronk · 03/24/15 09:05AM

When I was pregnant with my first child, I had a recurring dream. I was nursing a baby–in an icy parking lot, at a dinner party in the bedroom where the coats were piled on a bed, lost in the desert. I would nurse a baby at one breast, put her to the other, and there would be no milk. Sometimes the baby wailed with frustration and hunger, and sometimes the baby just looked at me with sad eyes. I always woke shaken. I must be worried, I thought, about being an adequate parent. But that wasn't it. My body was sending me a literal warning.

Mom Who Posed With Boob in Preschooler's Mouth: 'It's Not Right for Everybody'

Maureen O'Connor · 05/11/12 11:16AM

Jamie Lynne Grumet, whose left breast achieved stardom this week by appearing on the cover of Time while inside her nearly four-year-old son's mouth, went on the Today Show to discuss the controversial cover. With son Aram mewling by her side (wouldn't it be great if she'd whipped out a tit and shoved it in his mouth, right then and there?) Jamie explained that attachment parenting "is not for everybody," and that she isn't trying to judge anyone. She also notes that she's getting guff from breastfeeding critics and advocates:

Former Blossom Star Mayim Bialik Still Breastfeeds Her Three-and-a-Half-Year-Old

Leah Beckmann · 04/09/12 02:16PM

Mayim Bialik, the once be-sunflowered jewel of the 90's, has joined the ranks of fellow whacky mothers Alicia Silverstone and January Jones. Bialik has penned a parenting book called, Beyond The Sling: A Real-Life Guide To Raising Confident, Loving Children The Attachment Parenting Way. The. Sling. Because it is about the joys of "attachment parenting" and breastfeeding your toddler.

Alicia Silverstone Grossly Bird Feeds Her Baby Gross Meal

Leah Beckmann · 03/27/12 03:20PM

Alicia Silverstone maintains a GOOP-like lifestyle website called The Kind Life, meant to promote "living your healthiest and happiest life to the fullest, while taking care of mama Earth at the same time!" Fantastic. Well today she posted the following treasure accompanied by the above video:

Pregnant Ladies Who Eat Garlic Have Garlicky Babies

Maureen O'Connor · 08/08/11 02:11PM

You know when a little kid sees a pregnant lady drinking a glass of OJ, and he's like "No! The baby will drown!" Turns out he's kind of right. The mother-to-be is drowning her baby in flavor, and it will impact the baby's palate forever, a new study finds. NPR reports:

Some Thoughts on Casey Anthony Murder Trial Fever

Lauri Apple · 06/26/11 05:34PM

Today's New York Times tells us that the trial of Casey Anthony, who's facing the death penalty for allegedly murdering her toddler Caylee, has become "this year's hot attraction" for tourists passing time in central Florida. Even Mickey Mouse has abandoned his gig to go watch the drama unfold.

10-Year-Old Gives Birth in Spain

Maureen O'Connor · 11/02/10 01:35PM

Yikes. A 10-year-old girl in Jerez de la Frontera—a city in the Andalusia region of Spain—just gave birth, and authorities can't decide whether or not to let her family keep the baby.

Teen Mom Deleted Scenes: The Tragedy Continues

Mike Byhoff · 02/10/10 02:46PM

MTV will milk this Teen Mom gravy train for all its worth. And we will watch Every. Damn. Minute. The special mostly showed non-baby related issues like life-threatening illness, divorce, and baby-scares. Nothing ever goes right on this show.

Saw and Antichrist to Terrorize Weekend Moviegoers

Richard Rushfield · 10/23/09 02:15PM

It's Halloween season at the multi-plex; which means that if today's brand of torture-centric "thrills" is not your cup of tea, cinema offers few reasons not to stay in your house and barricade the doors.