
Lindsay Lohan, Destroyer of Careers

cityfile · 12/16/09 12:01PM

It's been two months since Emanuel Ungaro CEO Mounir Moufarrige made the worst decision of his career and hired a young woman by the name of Lindsay Lohan as the struggling fashion house's "artistic adviser." And now he's out the door. Moufarrige stepped down as CEO today, and while Lohan still has a job for the time being, that may very well change in the near future. Then again, that would only leave her more time to save the universe, so things should work out okay either way. [AP]

Lindsay To Remain Employed (For Now)

cityfile · 11/24/09 01:50PM

It a rare occasion when there's good Lindsay Lohan news to report, but today is one of those days. The CEO of Emanuel Ungaro, Mounir Moufarrige, says the fashion has no plans to drop LiLo as its "artistic adviser" even though her debut in Pairs last month was panned by critics and it's been rumored that retailers haven't exactly been lining up to carry the collection. Of course, the final decision is in the hands of Ungaro's owner Asim Abdullah—and he may not be on the same page with Moufarrige—but let's focus on the positive, shall we? [Reuters]

Mariah Gets Demanding; Jude Law Exacts Justice

cityfile · 11/20/09 07:37AM

Mariah Carey must be determined to earn back the title of "world's most demanding diva." For an appearance at a London shopping shopping center to kick off the holiday season, she asked for 20 white kittens, 100 white doves, and confetti shaped like butterflies. She also requested a Rolls-Royce, pink carpet, pink podium, and a security staff of 80 to protect her entourage of 15. Then again all she asked for in her dressing room were a few bottles of water, so it isn't as if she's totally out of control, is it? [NYDN, DM]
• Jude Law made the unfortunate decision to move into a building next to an NYU dorm and he hasn't been too happy about the students who invariably look down on him as he plays with his kids or works out with his trainer. When Law recently noticed students waving at him from across the way, he responded by pelting their windows with oranges. That'll do it! [NYP]
• Madonna is still saving the world. But she isn't taking any chances while she does it, clearly. She insisted on wearing a bullet-proof vest under her jacket while touring a "lawless" Rio de Janeiro favela recently. [P6]
• Lindsay Lohan's gig at Emanuel Ungaro may be coming to an end soon. The company's chairman reportedly wants her out since he, like the rest of the world, wasn't impressed with the "cheesy and dated" outfits she debuted at Paris Fashion Week, and many stores are refusing to carry the line. Ungaro CEO Mounir Moufarrige wants to keep her, though, to save face. [P6]