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Mariah Carey must be determined to earn back the title of "world's most demanding diva." For an appearance at a London shopping shopping center to kick off the holiday season, she asked for 20 white kittens, 100 white doves, and confetti shaped like butterflies. She also requested a Rolls-Royce, pink carpet, pink podium, and a security staff of 80 to protect her entourage of 15. Then again all she asked for in her dressing room were a few bottles of water, so it isn't as if she's totally out of control, is it? [NYDN, DM]
• Jude Law made the unfortunate decision to move into a building next to an NYU dorm and he hasn't been too happy about the students who invariably look down on him as he plays with his kids or works out with his trainer. When Law recently noticed students waving at him from across the way, he responded by pelting their windows with oranges. That'll do it! [NYP]
• Madonna is still saving the world. But she isn't taking any chances while she does it, clearly. She insisted on wearing a bullet-proof vest under her jacket while touring a "lawless" Rio de Janeiro favela recently. [P6]
• Lindsay Lohan's gig at Emanuel Ungaro may be coming to an end soon. The company's chairman reportedly wants her out since he, like the rest of the world, wasn't impressed with the "cheesy and dated" outfits she debuted at Paris Fashion Week, and many stores are refusing to carry the line. Ungaro CEO Mounir Moufarrige wants to keep her, though, to save face. [P6]

• Carrie Prejean has multiple sex tapes that are now beginning to surface (a few still photos came out yesterday), but the drama doesn't seem to be hindering her love life. She's now rumored to be dating St. Louis Rams second string quarterback Kyle Boller. [Radar]
• Now Carmen Electra has a new sex tape out? Unlike Prejean, she's with another girl, not solo. [TMZ]
• Kate Moss's new motto—"nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"—seems to have some eating disorder groups a tad upset, not surprisingly. [Us]
• A judge presiding over Chris Brown's abuse case praised Brown for having an "extremely favorable progress report" now that he's finished all 100 hours of his community service, paid his court fines, and given a DNA sample. Now he just needs to attend 45 domestic violence counseling sessions and he'll be all done. [NYDN]
• Model Daul Kim was found dead in her Paris apartment and authorities are now suspecting she committed suicide. [MSNBC]
• Alexandra Kerry was pulled over for an expired registration, not a DUI, says her dad, John Kerry. Kerry wasn't given a breathalyzer until she arrived at the police station, at which point she was under the legal limit. She was later released when she sobered up and posted $5,000 bail. [People, TMZ]
• Random celeb couplings: The Hills' Audrina Patridge is supposedly hooking up with Glee's Mark Salling. And Coldplay's Jonny Buckland got married last weekend. [P6, Us]
• Splits: Former Dawson's Creek star James Van Der Beek has filed for divorce from his wife, actress Heather McComb. And James Caan has filed for divorce from his fourth wife. [People, TMZ]
• Is Avril Lavigne rebounding with Wilmer Valderrama? They were spotted getting "super cozy" at an LA club the other night. [People]
• Breaking! Derek Jeter and Minka Kelly went shopping together. [P6]
• Remember that stewardess who says Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony's German Shepherd attacked her and left her with serious back injuries? Shockingly, the animal behavior expert she hired totally backs her story and says it was clear the dog needed counseling. [NYDN]
• It's on again between Jay-Z and his former protégé Beanie Sigel. Sigel first insulted Jay in 2007 when he talked crap about Jay's album Solution. Now he's doing it again. And on 50 Cent's website, too. [NYDN]
• The ladies of the Real Housewives of New York City gathered for a birthday dinner for Ramona Singer the other night, but the mood suddenly turned somber when Singer revealed that her father had physically abused her mother when she was growing up, an admission that led her notoriously big-hearted and empathetic co-stars to appear "visibly moved." [P6]
• Demi Moore is denying she was photoshopped for her new W cover. She tweeted that she's merely on "the skinny side lately" and she wishes she had "good lighting like that following me around all day." Good one. [HuffPo]
• It isn't just the teens in America who are obsessed with Robert Pattinson. Martha Stewart has a thing for him too. On her show the other day, Martha told Kristen Stewart that she had a dream about Pattinson and they "hung out." It's unclear if "hung out" is old people talk for something more sexual, but let's assume that's the case, okay? [Us]