
Advertising: Dramatic, Dumb

Hamilton Nolan · 08/20/09 01:53PM

A new documentary called Art & Copy —opening this week—showcases the origins of America's most famous ad slogans. It's from the "Drama, Power, Persuasion" school of advertising industry portrayal. In Australia, there's an example of the other school:

Aliens: A History Of Sociopolitical Allegory

Foster Kamer · 08/15/09 07:15PM

From this weekend's major releases, the movie generating the most excitement: District 9, a relatively low-budget thriller about human-alien relations in South Africa. But it - like many films like it - has a heavy theme: goddamn aliens!

For Your Consideration! October Oscar Movies

Richard Lawson · 07/21/09 12:05PM

As lazy August gnaws at our edges, we can start expecting at least one thing: Autumn Oscar-candidate trailers. We've got two for you today! There's the much-ballyhooed An Education, a stuffy British trifle, and Amelia, a string-tugging biopic.