
How Movie Stars Get Paid

Gabriel Snyder · 04/02/09 07:00PM

Every so often someone writes a trend story about movie star pay that is utterly wrong because the reporter has no idea how Hollywood deals are done. So let's do a brief refresher course.

New Bruno Movie Hilarious, Familiar

Richard Lawson · 03/16/09 11:04AM

So say the early reports from a 20-minute screening that played at the SXSW festival in Austin over the weekend. Said a THR reporter: "It's funny deja vu, but it's still deja vu."

Watchmen Reviews: 'Maybe It's Better to Grow Up'

Richard Lawson · 03/06/09 03:21PM

So how is this biggest-movie-ever Watchmen superhero flick? Well, not so good if many critics are to be believed. Should have been kept in holy reverence as a comic book (or graphic novel or whatever).

Public Enemies Makes Us Want to Shoot Bankers, Too

Richard Lawson · 03/04/09 05:19PM

Everyone's mad at the banks these days, because they've robbed us blind, and now they're holding their hands out wanting some more, please. So it's a perfect time for Johnny Depp as bank-robber John Dillinger.

Funny People Doesn't Look Very Funny

Gabriel Snyder · 02/22/09 10:00AM

Is it a big fat spoiler to point out that a trailer is a big fat spoiler? Because that's what this one is. I read the script a while back and except for the very end, everything's in here. The movie stars Adam Sandler as comedy superstar "George Simmons" who befriends up-and-comer Seth Rogen. They play pretty much the same Apatow man-boys that populate all of his movies, except here they're dealing with issues weightier than whether it's worth it to give up their bongs to get a hot girl.

Five Sexy Valentine's Day Movies for Shut-Ins

Richard Lawson · 02/14/09 12:00PM

Happy V-Day, dicklickers. Obviously I'm working today and obviously you're on the internet. So boo-hoo for both of us. If you're staying in tonight like me, but want some sexy-time, here are movie suggestions.