
Christian Bale Is Furious at He's Just Not That Into You

Richard Lawson · 02/04/09 11:58AM

Before you get upset, let me clarify. I mean ugly people. People who like to imagine that the (unending!!!!!) struggle between members of the opposite sex (the gay people are just cute little helpers in this movie's world, like forks and spoons from Beauty and the Beast) is quantifiable and universal. Here's a hint: it's not! And even the doggishly handsome Justin Long can't boil the whole gurgling circus down to a safe little o.b. size. So why are you spending money on the stupid movie, an act which tangentially involves giving Greg Behrendt money. You don't want to do that.

It's a Film About a Guy Who Ejaculates Fire

Hamilton Nolan · 02/03/09 05:43PM

What is Burning Passion? "A Film About...A Guy Who Ejaculates Fire." It features "spectacular special addition to some really nice acting." It premieres on Valentine's Day, online. The perfect date. Click to enlarge.

Guy Ritchie Superfans Pull Jewelry Heist

Hamilton Nolan · 01/07/09 05:47PM

Two robbers ripped off Snatch and stole millions in diamonds by disguising themselves as Hasidic Jews. New folk heroes? The next Somali pirates? No, way too derivative, dudes. Recreate Usual Suspects and we'll talk.

Your Tucker Max Movie Update

Hamilton Nolan · 01/06/09 01:28PM

Remember brotastic internet niche figure Tucker Max and his objectively awful movie script? Where the hell is that flick, huh? Here, your full update on I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell, the movie:

"Second Life: The Movie" the next Hollywood disaster

Owen Thomas · 12/17/08 04:00PM

The director of Pirates of the Caribbean is planning Second Life: The Movie. Too late! The lonely virtual world lost its buzz two years ago. Why is Hollywood always so behind the times?

Dumbest Stunt Book Ever to Become Film

Sheila · 12/05/08 03:12PM

Remember Back in 2002, a young blondie NYC lass in major credit-card trouble posted an online plea for donations towards her "cause"—crowdsourcing her debt solution, as it were. The Observer certainly remembers: "Ms. Bosnak parlayed her moment of internet 'fame' into a book called Save Karyn and then a novel titled 20 Times a Lady." That second book was about the lady exploring her sexual "quota" and bednotches and what it all meant as she searched for Mr. Right—Who Also Has To Have Money, Too, Obviously. And now it has been optioned for a movie. God help us. Starring the impossibly bubbly Anna Faris, who is just so cheerful and cute that we want to stab her! [Vulture] I mean, how could you go wrong with a film adaptation, given this review on the book's Amazon page:

Sundance Is In Love With Journalism

Hamilton Nolan · 12/03/08 05:10PM

Although the business of journalism is currently in the process of imploding, the romance of journalism remains. So while journalists can't find jobs any more, they can at least take comfort in the fact that they are very attractive subjects for Hollywood! The Sundance Film Festival released its lineup today, and there are no less than three documentaries that are all about the drama of the A-list press. They could all conceivably be good, although Anna Wintour sounds like a far more compelling subject than Nick Kristof:

Moving Personal Story to Become Oscar-Bait

Pareene · 11/20/08 10:34AM

Remember Eugene Allen, the White House butler? The Washington Post put his story on the front page the Friday after Election Day. Allen, a black man, worked at the White House for 34 years, starting during the days of segregation and retiring during the Reagan years. He cast his vote for Barack Obama the day after his wife of 65 years died. It was a wonderful little piece of journalism that made everyone in the country cry. We're choking up just thinking about it again. So now it will become a mawkish, sentimental movie, probably starring Morgan Freeman. Sony purchased the rights to the story and Allen's life. It will be produced by Laura Ziskin, who is behind such classics as As Good As It Gets, Pretty Woman, and Spider-Man. We're thrilled Allen will get yet more recognition, and a little money, but still, ugh. We can't believe we weren't cynical enough to predict this quiet, moving story would soon become yet more manipulative pop trash. [THR, Variety]

LA Times Makes Fun of Variety for Losing Oscar Ads They Covet

Hamilton Nolan · 11/18/08 11:50AM

LA Times columnist Patrick Goldstein used his blog yesterday for the entertaining purpose of viciously mocking Variety and its Hollywood fixture editor, Peter Bart. Mocking them for being poor! This column is awesome for the following reasons: because media outlets don't usually air their dirty laundry like this; because Peter Bart and Variety certainly deserve the mocking; and most of all because Patrick Goldstein seems totally unconcerned that his own paper does the same exact thing he criticizes Variety for, and that that very thing keeps him employed. Ha: Peter Bart wrote a column of his own (Headline: "Will fiscal funk trip kudo contenders?" WTF) bitching about the lack of Oscar-related ads from the studios in Variety. Patrick Goldstein appropriately tells him to shut it:

Judy Miller, Movie Hero

Hamilton Nolan · 11/17/08 11:02AM

Attention Americans, it's almost time to travel to your local movie theater to take in Nothing But the Truth, the ironically-titled Hollywood dramatization of the Judy Miller story! Miller, the former NYT correspondent (now with Fox!) who went to jail unnecessarily to protect Scooter Libby's right to plant fake stories with her concerning nonexistent Iraqi WMDs, is reportedly pleased with the film because it captures the "moral ambiguity" of her situation. It did so by casting Kate Beckinsale as (the much older) Miller, then "dramatizing" the story in order to make her a heroic, martyred "devoted mother of a seven-year-old" who "faces starker physical and personal consequences in jail." So, just how Judith Miller sees herself! Click through to watch two clips, exclusively featuring people who are far too attractive to be journalists: