
Diving Into Jessica Alba

mark · 09/22/05 02:47PM

An e-mail listing today's new WireImage video clip offerings distills the bland sound-bites you'll later hear on Access Hollywood or the local news into something far more interesting. For example, take the list of Jessica Alba's Into the Blue clips, which become an almost stream-of-consciousness representation of her thoughts on the direction of her career:

M.O.W. Moment: Sparks On The Runway

mark · 09/22/05 10:43AM

"For Matthew Ash, a 24-year-old Gardena resident on a church trip to New York's Catskill Mountains, the first sign of trouble came from an icon of a JetBlue plane. The plane — on the animated map at his seat — 'wasn't going anywhere,' he said, 'just hanging around in Los Angeles.' The landing gear had not retracted, the pilot said."... But as the plane drew closer to the ground, emotions intensified, he said. People remained quiet. Many held hands. A few cried. Parents tried to calm their children, and a baby cried. In front of Ash, a woman began sobbing loudly. As the plane approached the runway, the pilot told passengers to brace themselves.

Everything is Abbreviated

Jesse · 09/20/05 11:02AM

It's day two of asap, the AP's new "younger audience service," and we think we now understand it: Younger audiences like brief, totally inconsequential and news-free items on ridiculously overexposed "young" "celebrities."

Remainders: Scuffy the Tugboat and the Little Island That Could

Jessica · 09/19/05 05:15PM

• So what's up with that island being tugged around the island? Public art, of course. Isn't it all. [Towleroad]
• Yes, we know it's Talk Like a Pirate Day. No, we will not honor the occasion by writing in the appropriate dialect. [TLP]
• The gayest gay loft to ever gay its way onto Craigslist. [Craigslist]
• The Meatpacking District's Hotel Gansevoort spreads its obnoxious seed to the West. [HotelChatter]
• Evidently, someone still gives a shit about model Tyra Banks' breasts. [Contact Music]
• Finally, someone more pissy than us. [NR]
• Tara Reid's binge-drinking tour de force, Taradise, isn't quite as dead as we thought. It is, however, barely twitching. [B&C]
• Can Gwyneth Paltrow effectively play a math geek? And does anyone care besides math geeks? [IHE]
• We didn't watch the Emmys, and we're better people for it. [Defamer]

So Bad, It's Good

Jessica · 09/16/05 08:52AM

The Looker notes that both late author Susan Sontag and shock rocker Alice Cooper were/are daily movie-goers. So quit harping on the physical similarities, you pricks.

The Handshake Court: Thank You For Screwing Me Over

mark · 09/13/05 11:00AM

Here's the short, possibly oversimplified version: After Paramount Classics agreed to a "handshake deal" to buy Thank You for Smoking at the Toronto film festival, the movie's producer, a dot-com billionaire allegedly ignorant of The Way Things Are Done in Hollywood, then turned around and made an "actual deal" to sell it to Fox Searchlight. Paramount Classics, it should be noted, is less than pleased with this outcome, and wackiness ensues. Sayeth the LAT:

Three-Way Degrees Of Kevin Bacon

mark · 09/08/05 10:59AM

Where the Truth Lies director Atom Egoyan lost a valiant battle with the MPAA ratings board yesterday over scenes of "explicit sexuality" in his film. (Cough cough three way!) The bad news: WTTL will have to carry an NC-17 rating (or go out unrated), which may prevent some theaters from showing the movie. The good news (unsexy version): Distributor ThinkFilm will probably receive scads of free publicity from the movie's soon-to-be famous menage a trois. The good news (sexy version): The released version will carry Egoyan's original group-sex vision:

Defamer Premiere Report: "Thumbsucker" Goes Through The Motions

mark · 09/07/05 02:59PM

Hollywood's annual late summer slowdown and the party-dampening post-hurricane atmosphere have taken a predictable toll on the movie premiere circuit. (To wit: VPage is covering the Williams sisters.) Still, studios with product to release must soldier on and shuffle through their red carpet song and dance, aware this is probably not the best time for crab cakes and chocolate fountains. An operative submits this report from last night's Thumbsucker premiere at the Egyptian, complete with a self-conscious admission by a rep that partying under such circumstances is "uncomfortable." You think?

Jose Canseco, Action Star

mark · 09/07/05 12:58PM

Today's LAT profile of small-time manager-producer Bob DeBrino paints a portrait of an interesting enough character doing his best to get off Hollywood's fringes and into the action—he drives around in a flashy Corvette, throws scripts over Nick Nolte's wall (oh, if we had a nickel for every time we tried that trick!), and is trying to help a possibly mobbed-up jailbird cousin get a career in the biz, etc etc. We're far more intrigued by his battle plan for new client Jose Canseco, baseball's blacklisted roid-monster, who's trying to parlay his recent season in Surreal Life semi-fame purgatory into—sigh, what else—a career as an action hero:

Hurricane Batters New Hollywood, Old Hollywood Sighs Guilty Relief

mark · 08/30/05 02:16PM

We know what you're thinking in those dark moments between the CNN anchor's question and the rain-battered New Orleans correspondent's shouted answer: Sure, this hurricane business has been truly tragic, but how does it affect the entertainment industry's bottom line? After all, the Big Easy is the New Hollywood, and these destructive, inconvenient tropical storms and the ensuing declarations of martial law are a bitch on tight shooting schedules. The LAT looks at the storm's potential impact on the movie biz and runaway production:

Vaughnnifer Rising?

mark · 08/26/05 12:00PM

For whatever reason (ambivalence, unpleasant mental images of Vince Vaughn pumping away on top of Jennifer Aniston, etc), we never lent much credence to the tabloid/weekly speculation that The Break-Up's stars were engaging in some hot, off-screen action. It seemed too tidy, too convenient. Today, however, Rush & Molloy's spies claim to have seen Vaughn and Aniston locked in a tonsil-tasting competition at their movie's wrap party:

Scarlett Johansson's 911 Call

mark · 08/25/05 11:12AM

The LAT has obtained the transcript from Scarlett Johansson's 911 call following her recent paparazzi-induced fender-bender at Disneyland. Johansson stayed admirably calm and collected through the conversation with the dispatcher, never once calling hysterically for the Jaws of Life to free her iPod from her damaged vehicle, or, for that matter, to loose the other party from their steel prison. But the call was not without drama, as some unexpected tension arises when Johansson discovers that her accident-partner's ride is tragically unfashionable.