
Sean Penn Finds Hollywood Comfort In Iran

mark · 08/24/05 03:11PM

Each day this week, the SF Chronicle is publishing Sean Penn's (very serious) account of his recent (terribly important) trip to Iran, in which he meticulously documents the activities of his unofficial ambassadorship...have you stopped caring yet? Yeah, we thought so. Anyway, we've pushed back our immature mental chants of "Spicoli's in Tehran! Spicoli's in Tehran!" long enough to follow along through the first three days, and, finally, Penn gets around to some movie talk (why is it always politics this, politics that with this guy?) at a dinner party:

Movie Execs Admit They're Making Crap

mark · 08/24/05 12:21PM

Whether or not you believe that the studios are making less money at the box office this year, there is hardly anything more entertaining than a reporter (this time, it's Sharon Waxman of the NY Times) using The Slump to corner some high-powered film executives and make them admit that many of their movies are, not to put too fine a point on it, pretty shitty:

Paramount Lot Littered With Cruise Doubles

mark · 08/23/05 03:10PM

Perhaps the only thing creepier than one Tom Cruise is three well-dressed guys who look and sound like the genuine article hanging out together. If our operative hadn't already been snooping around the Mission: Impossible 3 set at Paramount, he might have fled for his life, convinced that the invasion was finally nigh. Instead, we get this report:

Win Joel Silver's Acrimony: Auction A "Mistake"

mark · 08/22/05 01:54PM

Shortly after we wrote about the charity auction of a two-week internship having one's flesh melted off the bone in uber-producer Joel Silver's Hollywood crucible, the auction was abruptly ended, and a spokesperson from Warner Bros. got in touch to inform us that the auction "wasn't real." (We did get assurances that it wasn't unreal in the "hoax" sense.) Fortunately, someone did a better job of explaining the details of the auction's irreality to Variety:

Win Joel Silver's Acrimony

mark · 08/17/05 03:45PM

The Larchmont Charter School is holding an eBay charity auction for the opportunity to spend two weeks as an intern embedded within [Ed.note—How do we say this without winding up an orphan with cracked ribs?] famously passionate uber-producer Joel Silver's office. The description:

New Orleans Is The New Hollywood

mark · 08/17/05 12:56PM

While tax incentives have lured bottom-line-obsessed studios to far-off lands like New Orleans, the newly Hollywoodized locations are also reaping the (perhaps) unexpected consequences of the money-bringing industry invasion: local alcohol shortages induced by thirsty underage starlets, caddish foreigners making a mockery of the Seventh Commandment, and the crushing guilt of realizing that your tax breaks have made abominations like Big Momma's House 2 possible. From the LAT:

Rob Schneider Largely Unloved By Journalists, Critics

mark · 08/15/05 12:43PM

Even in an article about 40 Year Old Virgin star Steve Carrell's ascendance from Daily Show player to above-the-title comedy star, a piece that has nothing to do with Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo or any of Rob Schneider's other films, the sensitive, beleaguered SNL alum must suffer the malicious slings and gratuitous arrows of journalists using him as a tossed-off punchline. From the NY Times (bold ours):

Gossip Roundup: Nicole Richie One -Ups Paris Hilton

Jessica · 08/12/05 11:40AM

• Upon hearing that Paris Hilton's latest cinematic venture was slated to flop on the same day as that of Nicole Richie, Team Nicole pushes up the release of Kids in America to October 21. That's what It's an exciting race to see who can shamelessly promote themselves first! [Page Six]
• Jessica Simpson fans rip her clothes off while she innocently tries to shop. Apparently, the starlet didn't enjoy this, and her lack of enthusiasm sends father Joe into a violent, Jesus-fuelled rage. [R&M (2nd item)]
• After Cannabis Culture editor Marc Emery was arrested in Vancouver for selling millions of dollars' worth of the good stuff, maybe High Times might want to reduce the number of seed-selling ads in their pages. [Lowdown]
• Fridays are for Friedman, and Roger is all atwitter for the release of Stevie Wonder's latest album. Pray for a Grammy, Rog. Just pray. [Fox411]

The Death Of The Action Flick Explained

mark · 08/08/05 05:19PM

With would-be action blockbusters The Island and Stealth bombing in consecutive weeks, it's time for Hollywood's greatest minds to stroke their chins and offer their ruminations on Why The Action Genre Is Flailing. While lower-wattage intellects like Michael Bay burn off precious brain cells in the process of commanding their fingers to point in every direction but inward, deep thinker Rob "XXX/Fast the Furious" Cohen mines the collective unconscious to formulate a larger theory about why this summer's audiences are shunning the cutting edge offerings of the blowing-shit-up genre:

Movie Pirate Or Teen Hero?

mark · 08/05/05 11:19AM

How many times does the MPAA have to tell us to respect copyrights? Another camcorder-wielding, one-man piracy sleeper cell has been accused of trying to destabilize the entertainment industry, but his greatest crime might be his horrible taste:

The Hidden Costs Of Fame: Proximity To Jackass Junk

mark · 08/04/05 11:36AM

The AP reports that Murderball star Mark Zupan is "embracing the fame brought by the documentary," but it's not clear if the interview was conducted before or after Steve-O stapled his scrotum to Zupan's wheelchair on the red carpet at a recent E! party.

Yes, "Daredevil" Was *That* Bad

mark · 08/03/05 02:59PM

First Chappelle, now this? We're not going outside today, because we're pretty sure the next thing is going to involve a torrential downpour of boiling menstrual blood. The Big Mogul in the Sky's really backed himself into a corner with this one.