
Thatz Not Okay: Can You Tell Someone They Look Like Hitler?

Caity Weaver · 01/30/14 11:30AM

One of my coworkers who, to be honest, I find to be rather annoying, recently began growing what can only be referred to as a Hitler mustache. I am afraid he doesn't realize it as such, and that no one else at work will be willing to tell him. I don't know for sure how many friends he has outside of work.

22 Terrible Things That Must End in 2013

Cord Jefferson · 12/11/12 05:35PM

For all of humanity's greatness—the pyramids, the Hoover Dam, our capacity to love—human beings have proven ourselves quite capable of doing truly disgusting things, also, including waging wars, acting upon greed, and wearing those godforsaken toe shoes. In an effort to build a more just, rational, and aesthetically pleasing future, here is a list of 22 things Gawker is banning in 2013. At the stroke of midnight on December 31, be sure to either immediately stop doing the actions listed here, or, if it's an object that's being banned, a toe shoe, perhaps, incinerate it in a trash can. The civilized world thanks you!

A Fond Farewell to Brian Moylan On His Last Day

Gawker Staff · 03/13/12 05:01PM

Today is Brian Moylan's last day here at Gawker. Brian is on to bigger and better things and though we will miss him dearly, we know he and his mustache will continue to rile up the Internet from wherever they go.

Good Riddance, Movember

Brian Moylan's Mustache · 12/01/11 02:55PM

Today is December 1. Do you know what that means? Oh, yeah World AIDS Day. That's great, but that's not what makes today awesome. Today marks the end of Movember, when all the jerks and mustache-come-latelys shave their upper lips. Thank the mustache gods.

Anthony Weiner's New Moustache Not Making Him Any Less Creepy

Max Read · 11/26/11 12:28PM

Former congressman Anthony Weiner resigned in disgrace earlier this year for sending pictures of his erect dong to various strangers on Twitter. Now, months later, attempting to rebuild his life with his pregnant wife, State Department aide Huma Abedin, he has settled on the exact worst strategy to look like a normal guy who would never even consider sending dick pics to women: growing a wispy moustache. (We understand that it's probably for "Movember," the prostate cancer-awareness event. Even so.) [images via Pacific Coast News]

The New York Times Has Found the Biggest 'Mo' in D.C.

Max Read · 12/05/10 11:01PM

Who is the biggest mo among the Washington, D.C. diplomatic corps? I mean, sorry, who has the biggest mo? To find out, just read this New York Times article, "The Biggest 'Mo' on Embassy Row." No, no, "mo" means mustache.

Jonah Hill Explains Mustaches on Sesame Street

Whitney Jefferson · 08/18/10 05:00PM

This video provides a service to all of the little tykes wondering what the hair under their father's nose is. Jonah Hill and Elmo talk about mustaches and all of the neat-o things you can do with one, inside.

Fish 'Mustache' May Be Used for Fish Oral Sex

Max Read · 06/30/10 12:04AM

Why does the male Mexican molly fish have an 'extravagant moustache-like structure' on its top lip? German and American scientists may have discovered the answer: Because female fish dig it. For oral sex.

Mustached Americans Deserve a Tax Incentive

Elaine Moran · 04/14/10 12:23PM

The American Mustache Institute is calling for the Mustached American Tax Incentive to help defray the costs of mustache maintenance, since mustached Americans improve American good looks and stimulate the economy. Sounds about right, actually.