
The Rebranding of David Paterson

cityfile · 08/31/09 03:43PM

David Paterson unveiled a new look today. Gone is the salt-and-pepper beard which has long been the governor's trademark; it's been replaced by a much trendier mustache. Could the change have had anything to do with the 'stache that Brad Pitt insisted on keeping for Inglourious Basterds, which the Times suggested has helped to revive interest in the look? If so, the governor isn't saying. "When asked Monday why he shaved the beard he's had for as long as anyone remembers around Albany, he joked it came down to "more cutbacks." [NYP]

Mustaches are Back. Again!

Hamilton Nolan · 01/08/09 01:34PM

Drop your razors, fashionable young men: the New York Times reports that mustaches are back—in style! Somehow this story sounds vaguely... familiar:

George Clooney: Keeper Of The Stache

Seth Abramovitch · 11/17/08 09:01PM

This photo from the Albuquerque set of Men Who Stare At Goats reassured us that George Clooney has proudly inherited the mustache mantel from Robert Downey Jr. We instantly felt the need to draw up another one of those celebrity mustache visual cue-charts—the kind we distribute as retractable blackboard teaching aids to classrooms that incorporate Defamer into their curricula. Help us decide which of these five candidates most closely hews to the goat-staring original in a brand new mustache poll after the jump!

HuffPo Bravely Investigates Madonna's New Mustache

Kyle Buchanan · 10/14/08 01:20PM

"PHOTOS: Madonna's Movie Premiere With Friends, Facial Hair," promised the headline today on the Huffington Post today, and we dutifully clicked, wondering who would be the latest star to don Hollywood's hottest new accessory: the moustache! Previously an outdated cultural relic, the moustache has undergone a renaissance thanks to actors like George Clooney and Robert Downey, Jr.; would a star of similar stature attending the premiere of Madonna's Filth and Wisdom be the newest member of the facial hair club? Then, we came to the last sentence of the article: "Here are photos of some of the celebrities who came out to support [Madonna] Monday night and, perhaps more surprising for such a perfectionist, a close-up of Madonna's upper lip hair."

Tracy Morgan Used To Be A Barbershop Model?

Nick Douglas · 06/01/08 09:32PM

Did the Long Island Cutlery Company grab an old Tracy Morgan publicity shot for this poster, or did the Saturday Night Live actor and comedian pose explicitly to show off his curls and mustache for a barbershop? (Or did the source, Jamaica's First Magazine, find a Morgan doppelganger?) Full size Morgan barbershop shot below, with a recent Morgan photo for comparison. See the full poster here.

Justin Rocket Silverman's Mustache: A Cautionary Tale

Pareene · 04/01/08 04:49PM

Justin Rocket Silverman, once crowned by Gawker as "basically, the only cute straight guy at blogmedia parties," decided to film a funny video for the New York Post about growing a mustache. He had his mustache shaved at something called "Xac Anthony Salon and Spa, though, which sort of defeats the ironic symbol of seedy blue-collar masculinity aspect. It's called a barbershop, Justin! Also it's called "something you should only do because you think it's funny once, while mildly intoxicated," but whatever. We just gave up on shaving altogether, it's simpler. Clip below, in odd and bulky New York Post clip player.

Geraldo Trashes Lou Dobbs on 'The View'

Pareene · 03/03/08 01:02PM

Mustachioed embarrassment to the profession of journalism Geraldo Rivera appeared on The View today, where he castigated fellow blowhard Lou Dobbs for the sorts of things we have regularly attacked him for, but it was Geraldo saying it so we all felt a bit silly. Of course, Geraldo works for noted reasoned advocates of humane, sensible immigration reform Fox News, so this is really just another salvo in the tiresome Fox News vs. CNN (and sometimes NBC) battle. The clip is attached below.