
Facebook and MySpace see drop in British users

Jordan Golson · 02/21/08 06:20PM

Both MySpace and Facebook lost five percent of their traffic from December to January. Nielsen Online says Facebook lost 400,000 U.K. site visitors after 17 straight months of growth. "Most of the leading social networks are less popular in the U.K. than they were a year ago. It was inevitable that early growth rates couldn't be sustained and the larger networks have been plateauing over the last few months." (Photo by AP/Paul Sakuma)

Parents Fight For 13-Year-Old's Right To Call Principal A Student-Raping Hitler Worshipper

Nick Douglas · 02/21/08 03:53PM

Parodying a high school principal? Weak but understandable. Making a MySpace profile for him which reads "I like to give anal to the little boys at my school"? Less defensible and possibly libelous! But after a thirteen-year-old boy was expelled from school for making the profile (which also lists Hitler, Michael Jackson and a purple strap-on as the principal's heroes), his parents are suing the school for violating the boy's free speech rights, since he made the joke on his own computer and because it's so clearly not a serious accusation of child rape. Below is the now-deleted profile, or at least the terribly grubby copy used in the court filing. If anyone has a better screencap, send it to

Courtney Love Will Drunk Blog You

Richard Lawson · 02/18/08 02:13PM

Courtney Love is the same as the rest of us. Much like you and I (or maybe just me), the addled and insane singer/songwriter (and better singer/songwriter marry-er) sometimes gets trashed and goes on the internet and writes embarrassing things. Her medium of choice seems to be her MySpace blog (Why must celebrities have blogs?) Last week she posted an angry rant directed at a person who had published Courtney's friend's phone number, saying it was the rock star's. Now the friend is getting tons of calls and Courtney is just fed fucking up with it. The most wonderfully inscrutable and bloggy detail I could glean from it is that she doesn't actually do anything for the site, but still loves MySpace very much: " takes about 8 people to run this site for some reason and tho i do read the comments i dontrtend to write lengthy letters back personally although occasionally i wrote a friend or somneone i like or post at someones space b ut not too often, trhats just how these my spaces work- so dont go offended - i love this my space and i dont need this karma wierdness- get off my cloud." Everyone's always on my damn cloud, too, Courtney. [ohnotheydidn't] Full text fter the jump, plus the wonderful, classic video of Courtney Love harassing Kurt Loder and Madonna at the VMAs.

Facebook and MySpace lose their draw

Nicholas Carlson · 02/12/08 07:40PM

The number of people visiting social networks continues to rise, but the rate at which these visitors return to sites like MySpace and Facebook is on the decline. According to ComScore, the average visits per visitor to MySpace are down 11.6 percent year-over-year. To Facebook they're down 12.3 percent. To social networks in general, they're down 1.8 percent. The numbers suggest social networks aren't as crucial to their users' lives anymore. And they've never been critical to advertisers. As few as 4 in 10,000 people who see ads on social networking sites click on them. As good a time as any for Rupert Murdoch to dump MySpace in Jerry Yang's lap.

Could Murdoch block the Microsoft-Yahoo deal?

Owen Thomas · 02/12/08 06:04PM

Rupert Murdoch loves to make trouble for other moguls. Could he stop Microsoft's bid for Yahoo? Wall Street analysts have been asking Murdoch if he would buy Yahoo outright. Never mind that the News Corp. chief doesn't have the cash to outbid Microsoft. Such a straightforward deal would be far too boring for Murdoch to contemplate. Instead, here's a scenario bruited about by Silicon Alley Insider.

Is Facebook's developer guy flirting with MySpace?

Owen Thomas · 02/12/08 10:00AM

Facebooker Dave Morin, in this photo snapped at MySpace's San Francisco launch party last week, seems to be gazing longingly at Rupert Murdoch's rival social network. Could he be switching teams? "He seemed to be very friendly with a number of MySpace execs at their god-awful party last week," reports a tipster. "He turned up late and then they all seemed to leave
together to go off somewhere." It might be time for Morin, Facebook's senior platform manager, to make a move. Some developers respect his enthusiasm for Facebook's platform, but one told me, "He's in over his head."

Meet the new MySpace COO, 26-year old Amit Kapur

Nicholas Carlson · 02/07/08 07:40PM

Tom is getting older every year — and that's not even counting his little fib about his age. So News Corp. has found a new 20something — this time, a real one — to serve as MySpace's face: COO Amit Kapur, the guy MySpace hired to execute its plan to mimic Facebook. Elevated from the ranks, Kapur oversees business development, business operations, platform development, mobile, finance, HR and customer support. Which sounds impressive until interviewer Kara Swisher dismisses him with a deadpan, "Wow, you're the big guy."

No programmers allowed

Owen Thomas · 02/06/08 01:33PM

MySpace's developer platform bills itself as "a place for developers." Its launch party, however, was nothing of the sort. Brian Solis's photos from the event showed bloggers, reporters, and executives galore. Meanwhile, actual programmers, we hear, were left waiting outside on 2nd Street. If there was a single real developer at the party, they somehow escaped Solis's omnivorous lens. []

Those Terrifying Scientologists

Nick Denton · 02/06/08 10:25AM

The Church of Scientology is a famously vindictive institution, prepared to use litigation and harassment to suppress critics. And nobody gets kid-glove treatment, not even relatives of the sect's high priest, David Miscavige. His niece, Jenna Hill, claims she's been subjected to harassment since speaking out in support of Andrew Morton's critical biography of Tom Cruise, the Hollywood star and fervent Scientologist. The dreadful price: "At least eight friends have removed themselves from my MySpace page."

MySpace "developer" party tonight

Owen Thomas · 02/05/08 07:30PM

We don't consider MySpace's new widget specs a platform. And we don't think the people who hack together interactive MySpace page decorations qualify as developers. But we agree on this much: MySpace knows how to throw a party. The MySpace Developer Platform launch is at 625 2nd Street, at 6:30 p.m. Other sites are giving away exclusive invites, but we're just issuing a license to crash. Tell them Valleywag sent you, and give Tom our love.

MySpace non-platform launches

Owen Thomas · 02/05/08 05:58PM

MySpace has launched a so-called "developer platform," allowing glorified Web designers to write widgets slightly more sophisticated than a photo slideshow for the News Corp.-owned website. I asked Ted Dziuba of the late, lamented Uncov what he thought. Here's what he said:

Google exec blames agencies for weak social-network ad spending

Nicholas Carlson · 02/05/08 12:40PM

It might as well be 2006 for all the cash social networks aren't raking in. During its recent earnings call, Google complained that ads on social sites like MySpace and YouTube weren't meeting expectations. The WSJ reports Microsoft is losing money on its Facebook deal. Meanwhile, analytics firm eMarkerter expects ad spending on social networks to increase 70 percent in 2008, but that's an increase to only $1.56 billion. So who's to blame? One Google exec says it's those old-fashioned ad agencies.

Defying online-ad supremacists, Super Bowl most lucrative ever

Jordan Golson · 02/04/08 05:18PM

So much for the death of television. 97.5 million people, a Super Bowl record, watched my beloved New England Patriots lose to the New York Giants, according to Fox. 107.5 million people watched the last half-hour of the game, besting the 106 million that watched the final episode of M.A.S.H. Television advertisers, who paid $2.7 million for each 30-second spot, definitely got their money's worth. Altogether, they spent $156 million on the five-hour game. It takes Google three days to make that much money.

Yahoo's 5 dead-end escape routes

Nicholas Carlson · 02/04/08 04:00PM

VC blogger Fred Wilson argues that a Microsoft-Yahoo merger will be bad for users and for the Internet as a whole. "If you think about the Internet, it's a huge distributed network of loosely connected services owned and operated by literally millions. We don't need or want consolidation of services on the Internet," Wilson writes. But you know who the Microsoft-Yahoo deal is even worse news for? The incompetent executives who landed Yahoo in this pickle in the first place. They're ferociously spinning gullible reporters with rescue fantasies. Here are the five most widespread rumors — and why they're unlikely to happen.

Facebook Outrage: Insurance Company Demands A Peek At Kids' Profiles

Pareene · 02/01/08 04:29PM

Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey denied benefits to two minors because they have eating disorders. Eating disorders, the insurance company claims, are emotional, not biological. It gets more fun: Horizon has demanded access to the kids MySpace and Facebook accounds, to "shed light on the causes of the disorders, which determines the insurer's responsibility for payment." So think twice before you make your Facebook status something lame and emo: it could be used as evidence that you're uninsurable. If you can even afford it! []

Slowing MySpace gets quit on by angry horde

Nicholas Carlson · 01/31/08 03:20PM

MySpace only added 8 million users in the last year and in the U.S., the social network has actually lost users in the months since October, by some counts. Well, add another slew of quitters to the score. Wednesday was "International Delete Your MySpace Account Day," according to fed-up MySpace user Simon Owens. On his blog, Owens lists 10 reasons he started the movement. My favorite: "You're tired of seeing Tom stare out at you from millions of friends lists and just wish he would change his fucking profile picture." Here's the rest.