
cityfile · 10/29/09 03:23PM

• Time Inc. is expected to announce plans to slash $100 million in costs next week; naturally, lots of layoffs will be involved in making that happen. [NYT]
• The Wall Street Journal is closing its Boston bureau. Also in Beantown: The Boston Globe's publisher has announced he's stepping down. [BW, NYT]
• The war between the White House and Fox News is over. For now. [DF]
Esquire's latest bid for relevance: Its December issue will be tricked out with "an emerging technology called augmented reality." Sounds hot. [WSJ]
Lou Dobbs says someone fired a shot at his New Jersey home/horse farm. He's yet to blame the population of Mexico. But just give it time. [CNN]

Humble Nicole Kidman

Gawker · 03/20/03 11:22AM

Nicole Kidman says she can always come up with a list of actresses who can do a better job in her role. "Secret letter" to Stanley Kubrick, Re: Eyes Wide Shut: "Seriously, Stanley, are you high? I cannot speak for Tom. (The Scientologists take care of that. Kid-ding). But as for me ... No. I am not, nor ever have been, in possession of the kind of talent that could support the complicated erotic journey your movie promises to take its perverted audience on. But I've read the manuscript, and while I'm no casting agent, you're right, it does scream Tom Cruise vehicle. So why don't you offer him both roles?"
Acting? What was I thinking? [National Post]