• Time Inc. is expected to announce plans to slash $100 million in costs next week; naturally, lots of layoffs will be involved in making that happen. [NYT]
• The Wall Street Journal is closing its Boston bureau. Also in Beantown: The Boston Globe's publisher has announced he's stepping down. [BW, NYT]
• The war between the White House and Fox News is over. For now. [DF]
Esquire's latest bid for relevance: Its December issue will be tricked out with "an emerging technology called augmented reality." Sounds hot. [WSJ]
Lou Dobbs says someone fired a shot at his New Jersey home/horse farm. He's yet to blame the population of Mexico. But just give it time. [CNN]

• More than half the people surveyed in a recent poll said they would not pay for newspaper or magazine content online. [E&P]
• Canada's right-leaning National Post may close down on Friday. [NYT]
• More Forbes carnage: The editor of ForbesLife has been laid off. [NYP]
• NBC has canceled the medical drama Trauma. [LAT]
• Jessica Biel has signed on to star in F***ing Engaged, "a raunchy comedy about a couple who make a pact to have sex every day." [THR]
• Did you see that commercial for DirectTV featuring David Spade and a back-from-the-dead Chris Farley? Yea, well, Spade is sorry if you thought the whole thing was in poor taste. [Wrap]