
Giant, 42,000 Pound Ketchup Spill Creates Massive Traffic Jam in Nevada

Taylor Berman · 03/01/13 12:03AM

Traffic piled up outside of Reno, Nevada early Thursday afternoon after a tractor trailer carrying over 42,000 pounds of ketchup crashed, spilling the condiment across a highway. The accident occurred after the truck swerved to avoid a car, causing it to veer into a light pole and then into the underpass of a bridge, ripping open the cargo area. There were no injuries, though; just literally tons of ketchup.

Swing States Are Swinging Toward Obama

Louis Peitzman · 04/22/12 10:50AM

Unemployment is down in swing states, which means support for Barack Obama is up. Recent polls show the president has an advantage over Republican candidate Mitt Romney. And it's still the economy, stupid.

Romney Wins Nevada Caucus, Obviously

Louis Peitzman · 02/05/12 09:51AM

Sorry, Newt, but we all saw this coming — Mitt Romney won the Nevada caucus on Saturday, further establishing his position as Republican frontrunner and thorn in Gingrich's side. But rather than focus on the man he's been debating, Romney took some jabs at Obama.

Romney Poised for Second Consecutive Win, Not That Gingrich Cares

Louis Peitzman · 02/04/12 11:35AM

Once again, Mitt Romney has a significant lead in a Republican caucus — this time in the Mormon-heavy state of Nevada. CNN reports that the Republican frontrunner is well ahead of his opponents, which should come as no surprise to those who remember Romney's showing in 2008. (He's big in Nevada.)

Fox News Has No Clue Where States Are or Which Candidates Are Which

Max Read · 12/14/11 02:57PM

There are two possible explanations for these horrendously mislabeled graphics from yesterday's Special Report with Brett Baier: one, that no one at Fox News knows or cares about where Nevada and New Hampshire are; or two, that the network is somehow trying to fool the Obama administration into pumping millions of dollars into Utah, thinking that it's actually Nevada. Not sure which is less embarrassing. [via Media Matters; image via AP]

Your Survival Guide for Tonight's Vegas GOP Debate

Jim Newell · 10/18/11 04:38PM

The metropolitan region of Las Vegas, Nevada, has suffered economic collapse more brutal than anywhere following the bursting of the housing bubble. Eighty percent of homeowners are underwater on their mortgages in some parts of the city. It suffers from worse unemployment than any other major metropolitan region in the country. And now, worst of all, the city will have to host a bunch of assholes running for president in tonight's 432nd GOP presidential debate since Labor Day. Who will "win"? The rich guy always wins.

Man With 100-Pound Scrotum Can't Afford $1 Million Surgery

Lauri Apple · 10/18/11 03:55AM

Whether you're seeking a new source of inspiration or just in need of some perspective, Wesley Warren Jr. has got what probably got what you need. But do you have what Wesley Warren Jr. needs? Uh, that would be $1 million to purchase the corrective procedure he needs to make his scrotum normal-sized again.

Four Killed as Gunman Opens Fire with AK-47 in IHOP

Max Read · 09/06/11 05:54PM

A gunman in Carson City, Nev. opened fire with an AK-47 at an IHOP on Tuesday morning, killing three before shooting himself in the head. His motive is unclear. Two of the victims were members of the Nevada Army National Guard; the third was a civilian.

Sen. John Ensign Resigns

Remy Stern · 04/21/11 06:47PM

Sen. John Ensign, the evangelical Republican who's faced an ethics investigation ever since he banged the wife of one of his aides and then tried to keep the couple quiet by paying them off, is resigning. Last day: May 3!

All Hail the Return of Sharron Angle

Jim Newell · 03/16/11 03:20PM

America's about to get fixed, everyone, because Sharron Angle is returning to politics! Angle, a comical nutcase, was last seen losing a Nevada Senate race in a strong Republican year to Harry Reid, one of the most disliked persons in the nation. But now she's getting everyone back together for a House run in 2012, as she announced with this delightful video today.

Did Sharron Angle 'Shush' This Reporter?

Jim Newell · 10/22/10 02:54PM

Nevada Senate candidate Sharron Angle has revolutionized campaigning this year in that she won't tell reporters where she's going, making the day-to-day work of covering her events into a private investigation. And when reporters find her? Apparently she "shushes" them.