
Herman Cain Stops Showing Up at Places with Video Cameras

Jim Newell · 11/17/11 02:05PM

Our man Herman Cain had a scheduled interview at 10 a.m. this morning with the editorial board of the New Hampshire Union Leader, the state's biggest newspaper. Every candidate does this interview. Dumb turd Rick Perry even did it!

Mitt Romney: 'I've Been as Consistent as Human Beings Can Be'

Jim Newell · 11/03/11 04:11PM

Mitt Romney, when pressed by a New Hampshire editorial board about his *somewhat* contradictory opinions on top political issues over the last decade, had this to say: "I've been as consistent as human beings can be." Hmm. Really? He must be joking. Really? Oh, Mittens.

Dartmouth's GOP Debate Organizers Terrified of Another Dumb Audience Outburst

Jim Newell · 10/11/11 02:44PM

You're probably familiar by now with the trifecta of tragicomic outbursts from the last three Republican debates: cheering for Rick Perry's 234 executions, cheering for uninsured sick people to die, and booing a gay soldier. So what terrible thing will happen at tonight's Washington Post/Bloomberg debate from Hanover, New Hampshire? Nothing, if the Dartmouth's powerhouse newspaper editorial board has anything to do with it!

Man Seizes Woman's Facebook, Demands Nude Pics as Ransom

Max Read · 08/09/11 09:18PM

Hackers are not particularly well-known for having coherent, well thought-out plans, but, man, this one might really take the cake: John Joaquim III has been arrested and accused to taking control of a friend's Facebook and Gmail accounts and demanding that she send him nude photos as ransom.

Robber Returns Wallet With Apology Note

Max Read · 08/04/11 08:50PM

What is New Hampshire like? Not many people know! This is what it's like: If a thief steals your wallet, he will return it, with more money inside, along with an apology note signed "Stupid."

A Perfect Example of How Sarah Palin Soaks Up the Spotlight

Jim Newell · 06/03/11 03:45PM

Mitt Romney, the likely favorite among 2012 Republican presidential candidates, launched his campaign in what for him is the must-win state of New Hampshire yesterday. All the local reporters were invited. So how did the state's biggest newspaper, the Union Leader, present Romney's announcement on today's front page? Look up at the hilarious image up top! What, you can't see it? It's neatly tucked away there in the bottom right corner, next to all the important stuff about non-candidate Sarah Palin saying "hi" to some fishermen and eating clams.

John Bolton Still Weighing Hilarious Presidential Run

Jim Newell · 05/17/11 04:35PM

Remember when John "Evil Ned Flanders" Bolton, the pickled death mustache who used to represent America at the United Nations, was yammering about a possible run for president, just so he could bomb Iran? He still hasn't made up his mind. Well, keep taking your time! No one's hurrying you.

Meet the 91-Year-Old New Hampshire Lawmaker Who Loves Eugenics

Jim Newell · 03/11/11 12:19PM

One of New Hampshire's new state representatives is 91-year-old Martin Harty, and he's hilarious. This World War II veteran and "retired peddler and market vendor" has admitted that he has no idea how to do his job, although he does manage to advocate for eugenics in conversations with constituents.