
Suspect in Norway Massacre Charged; At Least 92 Dead

Lauri Apple · 07/23/11 10:16AM

Police have charged Anders Behring Breivik, a 32-year-old right-wing extremist and Christian fundamentalist, as the suspected gunman in yesterday's massacre at Norway's Utoya Island youth camp—which left at least 85 people dead—and the bombing at the government headquarters in Oslo, which killed seven.

MSNBC Don't Need No Stinking Olbermann

Hamilton Nolan · 06/29/11 02:19PM

In your beautiful Wednesday media column: MSNBC's doing fine without Olbermann, network news is on the rise, a crazy NY Daily News rumor, the AP plays footsie with North Korea, David Cho to Grantland, and a Village Voice strike update.

What's Wrong With These Covers?

Max Read · 06/25/11 02:53PM

Here are the covers of New York's three biggest dailies. Notice anything? That's right: Only the News Corp-owned Post had the guts to cover the shocking story of a "hero cop" saving a "suicidal gal." What do the Times and the Daily News lead with? Some obscure bit of legalism passed by the bums in Albany. [Yawns] Looks like we all know which paper covers the real New York!

NYT Media Reporter Is Dating CNBC Anchor

Hamilton Nolan · 06/15/11 02:00PM

In your weaponized Wednesday media column: Brian Stelter forms a media power couple, the NYT's Week in Review revamp approaches, Keith Olbermann's childishness cataloged, Lloyd Grove lurches drunkenly, and the NY Daily News gets new offices.

Mort Zuckerman vs. the Daily News: An Owner Adrift

Hamilton Nolan · 04/25/11 03:40PM

Last July, New York Daily News editor Martin Dunn abruptly left the paper due to his wife's illness. Kevin Convey, who'd been working as editor of the Boston Herald, was named his replacement. But now, we hear, unsatisfied NYDN owner Mort Zuckerman may already be poking around for Convey's successor.

Will HuffPo 'Taint' AOL's Brand? (No)

Hamilton Nolan · 02/10/11 02:27PM

In your crippled Thursday media column: Magic Johnson saves Vibe, some jokers think AOL's brand can be "tainted," another departure from the NY Daily News, schadenfreude at CBS News, and News Corp's kitchen furniture police are out in full force.

Freakonomics Is Going Indie

Hamilton Nolan · 01/14/11 02:08PM

In your finally Friday media column: Freakonomics is taking its bazillion readers away from the NYT, layoffs loom at the NY Daily News, Hollywood media wars aren't catty enough for Vanity Fair, and PBS must have news on the weekend.

Smelly, Swearing Elmo Back in Times Square

Jeff Neumann · 10/24/10 08:34AM

Sleazy Elmo is back in Times Square, pestering tourists and creeping out parents with his awful stench and touchy-feely ways. One tourist told the Daily News, "that furry red thing was too aggressive. I think it swore at me."