
It's Electrifying! Death-defying! Mortifying!

mgross · 04/26/05 02:34PM

Bravo has inked a deal with Hearst Entertainment, Inc. to produce six, one-hour episodes of the first documentary series set in the newsroom of one of the nation's largest newspapers, it was announced today by Lauren Zalaznick, president of Bravo, and Bruce Paisner, president of Hearst Entertainment. The series is scheduled to premiere on Bravo in 2006. "The Daily News" (working title) follows the editorial staff of the New York Daily News—providing a true, behind-the-scenes perspective of a working newsroom.

Breaking! Celebrity Photos "Retouched"!

Haber · 04/07/05 10:05AM

The New York Daily News' 'THERSDAY' section breaks a story almost as big as The Pentagon Papers: Celebrities are not as flawless as photos of them in glossy magazines suggests:

'Daily News' Gossip Back To Being Offensively Tame

Jessica · 03/29/05 07:51AM

The sound you hear over at the Daily News isn't that of crickets, exactly — it's more the sound of safety (yawn). Weekday gossip monkeys Rush & Molloy and Lloyd Grove have returned from their vacations, thus kicking Ben Widdicombe — whose sasstastic Gatecrasher column was running daily while the elders were in Fort Lauderdale — back to the weekend edition. So the Daily News' gossip pages are back to being family-friendly and mild, at least compared to bitchy Ben. (Today's top story: Jennifer Lopez likes fur! Brilliant, but we get those press releases, too.)

Gossip Columnist Pissing Match Update

Jessica · 03/16/05 10:26AM

Just when we thought our gossip columnists had stopped comparatively measuring their dicks, Rush & Molloy go after the Post and, in a surprise move, the New York Times is dealt some sass:

Darfur? More Like Barfur!

Haber · 03/16/05 09:40AM

OMG, you guys: Do you find the violence on shows like CSI, like, totally gross and off-putting? Bloody corpses and gunshot wounds and stuff? I know! It's so grody! But you know what's ten times worse? Genocide. For serious!

Bay Ridge vs. Lesbians: I Am an Army of One

Haber · 03/02/05 10:45AM

Thank god (the good, Christian one, not the bad one who helps out Bob Novak) for Bay Ridge, the little red state tucked inside our big blue city. Where else but in unhip New York do people defend morality and think of the children? Take the brave "people" up in arms about bus ads for The L Word.

NYDN: Super, Man

Haber · 02/25/05 10:53AM

Just yesterday we were complaining that The New York Daily News was being a tad insensitive with its headlines. Seems like things are only gonna get worse.

The Sounds of NASCAR

Haber · 02/23/05 04:15PM

This might reveal our snobbish, New York provincialism, but something about this New York Daily News story struck as odd:

Hudson Morgan: Not Lloyd Grove's Plaything, We Swear

Jessica · 02/17/05 03:46PM

Because ruining Marcia Cross' life simply isn't enough, the adorably bitchy gays over at DataLounge have found themselves a new hobby in outing Lloyd Grove's trusty henchman, Hudson Morgan. Their gaydars lead to intense speculation:

Save The Date: Lloyd Grove Hits The Big 5-0!

Jessica · 01/26/05 11:45AM

We don't know what you're doing on February 4th, but you better believe we'll be shoving lit firecrackers up our asses in honor of Daily News gossip monkey Lloyd Grove, who'll be gracefully sliding into his 50th year (celebration at PM, natch). Thanks to a complete lack of BCC usage from the party's organizer, we know exactly who to expect at this red-carpet gala:

Barking Back to Prozac

Haber · 01/25/05 01:57PM

Buried inside the Daily News' report on dogs in Brooklyn Heights being electrified by faulty Con Ed wiring is this:

New York Daily News Headlines Kill

Andrew · 12/30/04 12:01PM

Back when we published a daily interview here we paraded out book/writer types left and right. Maybe that's why we killed the feature. One leftover that never got posted is from Daniel Maurer who's been an editor-type at Grove/Atlantic the last 4 years. Instead of his interview, we offer this exclusive analysis he conducted of New York Daily News headlines since 1997 and what it takes to get killed in them.

Guest Op-Ed: Phuck NYDN

Andrew · 12/28/04 09:38AM

We try not to tread on serious issues here but today's cover story on the New York Daily News cannot go unremarked. What the hell were those people thinking? Normally I'm the first person to love any article that begins with the words "Jet-setting supermodel..." but color me horrible (if you must) for my lack of sympathy for miss model, especially when reports are coming in of over 40,000 dead. But hey, that's a classy picture to accompany the story.