Why It's Impossible To Live On $500,000 Per Year
Ryan Tate · 02/08/09 07:00PMJudith Warner's Dreams of Our President
Pareene · 02/06/09 10:55AMNew York Times Subtly Bans Creativity
Hamilton Nolan · 02/06/09 10:27AMTimes Publisher's Longtime Affair
Ryan Tate · 02/06/09 05:23AMAlmost All of Twitter's Mysteries Solved
Owen Thomas · 02/05/09 05:50PMBad Sign: Layoffs at
Hamilton Nolan · 02/05/09 03:49PMHow Not to Save Newspapers
Owen Thomas · 02/05/09 01:04PMNew Legal Battle for the Weinsteins, Shake Up at Condé
cityfile · 02/05/09 12:35PM• Lionsgate and the Weinstein Co. filed lawsuits against each other yesterday over distribution rights to the Sundance hit film Push. [THR]
• Shake up at Condé Nast: New Yorker publisher Drew Schutte is out and will be replaced by Condé Nast Traveler publisher Lisa Hughes. [NYP]
• The New York Times Co. is cutting staff at its unit. [Reuters]
• Walter Isaacson has a few thoughts on how to save newspapers. [Time]
• The House has voted to extend the deadline to switch to digital TV. [NYT]
• Katie Couric will be hitting the catwalk during Fashion Week. Yay. [WWD]
'Perfect For Starting a Campfire!'
Hamilton Nolan · 02/05/09 09:48AMHa, this parody of the NYT's ad for its "weekender" deal is funny because it's true. Who doesn't love the Politics & Socks section? Note to Times: even aged hipsters are mocking you. Not good.
Times Ad Spoof
cityfile · 02/05/09 08:14AMYou know those annoying commercials for the New York Times that have been blanketing the airwaves for the last few years? The ones that go on about how "there's the week, the weekend and the weekender"? The 92Y created an spoof of the spot. Click on the video above for amusing performances by the likes of Michael Ian Black, Todd Barry, Paul Rudd, and David Wain. [via AllThingsD]
Nine Corporate Planes (and Two Hot-Air Balloons) That Should Be Sold
Ryan Tate · 02/05/09 03:37AM'New York Times' Kills Daschle, Now You Don't Get Health Insurance
Pareene · 02/04/09 11:29AMCondé Considers Cuts, Time Warner Takes a Big Loss
cityfile · 02/04/09 10:27AM• More magazine closures may be on the way at Condé Nast. [NYO]
• Time Warner posted a fourth-quarter loss of $16 billion. [AP]
• Bill Keller says there are "deadly serious" discussions taking place at the New York Times about charging for access to the paper's website. [E&P]
• Obama campaign manager David Plouffe has signed a seven-figure deal with Viking to write a book about last year's presidential election. [AP]
• Thanks to Ron Burkle, Wal-Mart customers can no longer pick up copies of magazines like People, Sports Illustrated and Time. [NYP]
• Jonathan Wald is leaving CNBC. [CNBC]
• Ticketmaster and concert promoter Live Nation are close to a merger. [WSJ]