
More Times Layoff Names

Ryan Tate · 06/09/08 05:10AM

The Post's Page Six continues to dribble out names of reporters laid off by the Times, and continues to imply, but not say, the layoffs are fresh — which means they likely aren't, but are instead victims of the only newsroom layoffs in Times history, which concluded May 7. Today, Page Six names one person who took the buyout, metro reporter Anthony Ramirez, plus one person forced out — cops reporter Thomas Lueck. "Lueck was on his way to work when they phoned him to say his services were no longer needed," said the Post's tipster. The Post thinks this is "heartless." Right, not at all in the gallant vein of how the Post treated its own cops reporter. [Post]

Trent Reznor's Deep Dark Fears

ian spiegelman · 06/08/08 03:56PM

The one-man-band that calls himself "Nine Inch Nails" but is really just freaky Trent Reznor has low self-esteem. "Fear has governed my life, if I think about it," he tells Today's New York Times. "I don't even know why I'm saying this in an interview situation, but I always feel like I'm not good enough for some reason. I wish that wasn't the case, but left to my own devices, that voice starts speaking up."

More Video of New York Times Copycat Spider-Man

ian spiegelman · 06/08/08 02:38PM

Turns out New York Times Building climber #2 Rey Clarke is pals with editor Cindy Casares' roommate, who shot her own video of Clarke's 52-story adventure from the moment the nutty "malaria activist" left the street. It's below.

6/5: Never Forget

Pareene · 06/06/08 09:50AM

It turns out that "ladderlike horizontal rods that form an exterior curtain surrounding the floor-to-ceiling windows"—while a neat architectural feature—present a small problem: someone might use them as a ladder! Or two people might use them as ladders! Our only question: When the Times says, "Reporting was contributed by Charles V. Bagli, Russ Buettner, Sewell Chan, Glenn Collins, David W. Dunlap, Jason Grant, Christine Hauser, Corey Kilgannon, Eric Konigsberg, Jennifer 8. Lee, Trymaine Lee, Patrick McGeehan, Colin Moynihan, William K. Rashbaum and Paul von Zielbauer," do they just mean that all those people have offices with windows? [NYT]

Copycat Times Building Climber Just a Random Crazy

Sheila · 06/06/08 09:23AM

The second man to scale the New York Times building today wasn't a world-famous "Spiderman" with a message about global warming to deliver—he was just, like, a dude! And he's since been shipped off the Bellevue for psychological evaluation. Alain "Spiderman" Robert, from France, is irritated that his copycat took away from the message about global warming.

Two Is A Trend!

Nick Denton · 06/05/08 05:32PM

Maybe that eco-friendly exterior Renzo Piano designed for the New York Times building wasn't such a good idea. The ceramic tubes that screen the building are climber-friendly too: a second exhibitionist is now scaling the newspaper's Manhattan skyscraper.

'French Spiderman' Scales New York Times

Nick Denton · 06/05/08 11:21AM

Stunt man Alain Robert is climbing the newspaper's midtown skyscraper to protest global warming and-well, because that's what the 'French Spiderman' does. The Times' new tower on West 41st Street in Manhattan is one of the greenest buildings in the city, so it's hardly the most appropriate target. But Robert has at least drawn attention: the newspaper's City Room blog is reporting from the scene. Update: the climber reached the top of the 52-floor Times building before being arrested. After the jump: photo of Robert-outside a 21st-floor window-by Update:

Pioneering Black Journalist Dead

Ryan Tate · 06/05/08 07:08AM

"Thomas A. Johnson, the first black reporter at Newsday and later, at The New York Times, one of the first black journalists to work as a foreign correspondent for a major daily newspaper, died on Monday in Queens. He was 79." [Times] (Photo via Times)

Sulzberger's Kennedy 'Friend' To Help Choose Obama's Veep

Nick Denton · 06/04/08 05:36PM

New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger was a devoted supporter of Hillary Clinton, pushing the newspaper into an endorsement of the Democratic candidate from which its editorials only later rowed back. That will make for some interesting conversations with Caroline Kennedy, the Times scion's close friend. Kennedy-the Sweet Caroline of Neil Diamond's song and daughter of JFK-backed Clinton's victorious rival together with most of the Irish-American political royalty. And she's just been named to the three-person team to vet Democratic nominee Barack Obama's possible running mates.

'Times' Quote of the Day: Women!

Pareene · 06/04/08 03:34PM

The guys out there know what the New York Times is talking about, right? Old ladies just don't know when to quit! Sheesh.

Just As Much News in Shrinking 'Times'

Pareene · 06/04/08 09:07AM

Many of the print publications we used to read regularly we now keep track of online. And every now and then, when we pick up a print edition, we feel like a huge giant! Because everything—everything!—has shrunk. (Pretty sure the New York Press is printed on a cocktail napkin now?) The olde New York Times is now one measly foot wide. They've also added a useless "table of contents" that takes up three A section pages. Many readers naturally assume that they are paying more for less "news" and more "summaries of news" and "plugs for the website." Vanity Fair compared three copies of the paper from 2008, 2007, and 1998, and it turns out that there are just as many square inches of column space devoted to news in all three! Thanks, of course, to significantly less space devoted to advertising, which is why they are laying everyone off, again. [VF]

More Layoffs At The Times?

Ryan Tate · 06/04/08 04:07AM

Less than one month ago, Times Editor Bill Keller told staff the newspaper had completed the buyout and termination of about 100 reporters and editors and that "so far nothing... suggests we will be going through this again anytime soon." But the Post today named three writers exiting the Times, and implied the departures were involuntary. Medical-devices reporter Barnaby Feder was, according to an anonymous Post source, given four days to pack up his stuff; baseball writer Murray Chass is not returning from sick leave and arts writer Lawrence Van Gelder is retiring after 41 years. The tabloid's Page Six said a "bloody ax continues to swing" at the Times, but Feder is the only of the three clearly alleged to have been forced out, and it's possible he was cut prior to Keller's May memo and somehow had his exit delayed, or that he was ejected more recently for non-economic reasons. One termination, and two possibly voluntary departures for illness and retirement do not make for layoffs, Page Six. Weak sauce. Anyone have a better handle on what's going on at the Times? [Post]

Sex Writing From New Times Etiquette Columnist

Ryan Tate · 06/03/08 05:36AM

"When [the protagonist] makes haste to a downtown sex club, it's no surprise that he spends an inordinate amount of time folding his clothes into neat piles and comparing the claustrophobic buddy booths to the fitting rooms at Bergdorf Goodman." [WWD] (Photo via


cityfile · 06/03/08 05:28AM

"An article on Saturday about attorneys general from 10 states asking the California Supreme Court to stay its decision legalizing same-sex marriages misstated the given name of the governor of New York, who last week ordered state agencies to recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere. He is David A. Paterson, not James." [NY Times]

Stuff Jews Like: Chinese Food and Books

Sheila · 06/02/08 02:04PM

You might have already known that Jews love Chinese food, especially on Christmas. But did you know that "Jews as a group buy 23 percent of all hardcover books printed"? That's according to according to Stuart M. Matlins, EIC and publisher at Jewish Lights and Skylight Paths books. Jennifer 8. Lee, NYT reporter and author of Chinese food book The Fortune Cookie Chronicles, subjected herself to an "audition" to have her book included in the Jewish Book Network. In fact, she changed the number of chapters in her book from 19 to 18 (a significant number meaning "life") simply to appeal to the chosen tribe! So a Chinese-American author walks into a room of 200 Jews at the Book Expo...