
Scotland Yard Basically Owned by Rupert Murdoch

Max Read · 07/16/11 01:41PM

Wondering why Scotland Yard botched the investigation into the News Corp phone-hacking scandal so badly? Well, it wasn't because the police agency was comically inept—at least, not entirely because it was comically inept—but because it was comically corrupt!

NYT Pays Off Its Extortionate Foreign Credit Card

Hamilton Nolan · 07/13/11 02:49PM

In your sweltering Wednesday media column: the NYT repays Carlos Slim, the global advertising market is back, a columnist is canned for plagiarism, a book review feud, and the media's most ineffectual lawyer says goodbye.

Sex Writer Says Murdoch Reporter Hacked Her Computer

Adrian Chen · 07/11/11 06:32PM

It's not just murder victims and government officials who have been hacked by Rupert Murdoch's minions. A once-pseudonymous sex writer claims a writer for the Murdoch-owned Sunday Times installed a trojan on her computer in an effort to out her.

Rupert Murdoch's Reporters Illegally Spied on the British Prime Minister

John Cook · 07/11/11 02:20PM

Last week, when News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks faced down News of the World reporters to explain why the paper was being cashiered, she warned darkly that all would become clear when the full extent of the rot at her company became known. Today another shoe dropped: Reporters for News International's Sunday Times and Sun illegally accessed former Prime Minister Gordon Brown's bank account, legal files, and family medical records.

Rupe Has Landed

Max Read · 07/10/11 08:56AM

News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch touched down in London on the day his Sunday tabloid News of the World published its final issue, preparing "to face the growing phone-hacking scandal that prompted the paper's closure," and, we presume, to personally burn some of the incriminating evidence. Of which there appears to be a lot! The Guardian writes that new memos obtained by the police "appear to show that phone hacking was more widespread... than previously thought," and we've heard a rumor that even more papers—including some that aren't Murdoch properties—will be implicated in similar phone hacking schemes soon. That's the man himself above, of course, checking out the News' final page three girl in his Range Rover as he swings by the offices of News International, News Corp's U.K. subsidiary. Rupe! Do the crossword! [image via AP]

Here's the Very Last Cover of News of the World

Max Read · 07/09/11 02:45PM

It hasn't hit newsstands yet, but journalists have taken a couple photos of the last copy of News of the World, which is shutting down following revelations that private investigators in its employ had hacked the voicemail of murder and abduction victims and their families.

Rupert Murdoch's Son Could Face Charges in U.S. and U.K.

Max Read · 07/09/11 08:59AM

James Murdoch, son of Rupert, Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West and overseer of News Corp's properties in Europe and Asia, could face criminal charges over his role in the phone hacking scandal at News Corp tabloid News of the World. In the U.S. and the U.K.!