
Media Bubble: Nielsen Goes to College

Jesse · 02/20/06 11:33AM

• Nielsen Media Research finally starts including college students in ratings, which should be good news for young-skewing networks like MTV and Fox. Should also be good news for that sweet "Girls Gone Wild" informercial that's always on and fuckin' kicks ass, dude, and is just — wait, is that the pizza? [NYT]
• This week, Simon Dumenco hates Google. (And again we say: Told you so.) [Ad Age]
• Jason Binn shuffles editors at Gotham and Hamptons. Which makes sense — one can only give blowjobs for so long before the jaw starts to ache. [NYP]
• We cut out a bit early on one Friday, and of course that's the day Jann Wenner fires his RS publisher over the location of the mag's 1,000th-issue party. Only at Wenner Media, kids, only at Wenner Media. [Mediaweek]
• Group of journalism bigwigs signs petition asking annual newspaper conference to look into the industry's willingness to help save refugees during the Holocaust. Because when an industry's future is so secure, it can afford to spend time worrying about things that happened 60 years ago. [NYT]

NAA Launches Self-Affirming Campaign

Jessica · 02/16/06 01:00PM

Starting Monday, the Newspaper Association of America is launching a $50 million campaign to promote newspapers to advertisers. At right, one of the new ads (click to enlarge), which supposedly will help to remind advertisers that newsprint is not outdated and still very relevant (newspaper ads are a "destination," reads the copy.)

Danish Mohammed Cartoons Claim First NYC Victims

Jesse · 02/08/06 09:54AM

The entire editorial staff of the New York Press — that would be four people — resigned yesterday after management told them not to run the riot-inducing Danish Mohammed cartoons. The Observer's Politicker broke this news last night, reprinting the anguished (and not just a little self-righteous) email-cum-press release from the Press's boy editor, Harry Siegel.

See the Mohammed Cartoons the AP Doesn't Want You to See!

Jesse · 02/06/06 11:29AM

So you know those caricatures of Mohammed, originally published in a Danish newspaper and recently reprinted through Europe? The ones causing all the protests and mobs? The ones The Associated Press refuses to circulate to member papers? The ones that prompted the State Department spokeman to say, "We find them offensive, and we certainly understand why Muslims would find these images offensive"? (We thought part of that whole spreading-Democracy idea would include, say, pointing out that free speech is a good thing and cartoon-based arson is a bad thing. But, then, we're not Republicans, so clearly we misunderstand.) Well, once again, it's Bucky Turco to the rescue. Where the AP won't go, Bucky boldly will. Wanna see the toons that launched a thousand riots? Head over to Bucky's Flickr.

Media Bubble: Every Now and Then, It Doesn't Suck to Own TWX

Jesse · 02/02/06 03:21PM

• Time Warner's Q4 performances beat analysts' expectations and sent the stock price up 4 percent. Which I sentence we thought we might never write again. [NYT]
• San Francisco alt-weekly Tim Redmond editor really, really hates Craig Newmark. As all other newspaper people should too, really. [SFBG]
Teen Vogue's Gina Sanders named Conde Nast's Publisher of the Year, which means she'll get something like a free European vacation. We really need to be moving to the publishing side. [WWD]

Media Bubble: Prognosis Postive for ABC Newsmen

Jesse · 01/31/06 02:56PM

• ABC anchor, cameraman show improvement after surgery. []
• Ted Koppel is a sucky op-edster, says Jack Shafer. [Slate]
• Even Dave Barry thinks newspapers are dead. [SFChron]
Daily News TV editors doesn't get Jon Stewart's jokes, care much for the guy, or, it seems, care much for Stewart's fans. What was that, Dave, about newspapers being irrelevant? [NYDN]
• Syd Schanberg has misty water-colored memories of covering Donald Trump. [VV]
• Unsurprisingly, Pinch thinks everything at the Trib is just fabulous. When you're a scion, there is no rain on your parade. [AJR]
• Live like Anna: Vogue Living is on its way. [WWD]

Media Bubble: Area Man Actually Doesn't Give a Shit Anymore That the 'Onion'ers Moved Here From Wisconsin

Jesse · 01/30/06 03:49PM

• The Onion Diet: Move to New York, eat sushi, slim down. [NYT]
• Sez Dumenco: Magazines will soon start to die, too, and Anna Wintour will lose her Town Car, and it's all Lucky's fault. Of course, he says it with words like "transactionality." [Ad Age]
WSJ discovers people. [WSJ]
• Jack Shafer says newspapers better give him what he wants, or else they're just gonna wither and die. [Slate]
• Joel Stein, says Jon Friedman, is just like Oprah Winfrey. But, you know, poorer and whiter and Jewier. [MW]
• Journo types who drink tab: David Edelstein, Steve Brill, David Bradley, and Danny Goldberg. Now you know. [New Yorker]
• Layoffs at Blender. [WWD (second item)]
• Journalism needs to more money and time from owners, more facts, more international coverage, and more tough questions, says Dan Rather. Also, it would very much like a pony for its birthday. [LAT]
• If CW — the WB-UPN amalgam — works, a CNN-CBS News merger could finally happen. [Mediaweek]

Media Bubble: Making More Room in the Alexandria Detention Center

Jesse · 01/05/06 01:20PM

• Bush could out-Nixon Nixon and prosecute the Times and its reporters and editors for publishing domestic-spying story. Which would both suck and not be at all surprising. [Boston Phoenix]
• One, very small upside of the miners-are-saved-oh-no-they're-not disaster and debacle: Editors actually got to yell, "Stop the presses!" [NYT]
WP pulls newspapering into the early 20th century, announcing forthcoming launch of Washington Post radio. [WP]

Media Bubble: Whither 'amNew York'?

Jesse · 12/22/05 02:13PM

• The strike's overlooked victims: Those freebie papers you don't really want to read but grab anyway when the dude shoves them at on your way into the subway station. [NYP]
CBS Evening News will — finally — be No. 2 within a few months, and Katie Couric will eventually be its next anchor, outgoing EP Jim Murphy predicts. [Phil. Inquirer]
• Now Al Sharpton says he won't do the proposed Al in the Family sitcom. This sort of breaks our heart, not least because we spend all that time a few weeks ago Photoshopping his head onto Carroll O'Connor's body. [AP via USAT]

The Year in Fuck-Ups: Fun!

Jesse · 12/13/05 05:13PM

The obsessively comprehensive and utterly amusing blog Regret the Error, which tracks noteworthy corrections into newspapers around the world, today published its list of the year's best corrections. Top honors went to the Denver Daily News, which won Correction of the Year for this squib from its July 27 edition:

Media Bubble: Also, Brian Williams Is Ready for His Closeup

Jesse · 12/08/05 02:58PM

• ABC's Vargas and Woodruff announcement, says Tina Brown, proves that Norma Desmond is still big, it's the networks that got small. [WP]
• Newspapers! Not in as bad shape as you think they are! (Not yet, at least.) [NYT]
• Last week, the Today show hit 10 straight years — 520 weeks — as the top-rated morning show. Which we're sure will somehow be construed as further evidence of Katie Couric's divaness. [NYT]
BusinessWeek to shutter overseas editions. [NYT]

C is for Cookie, and Also for Chicago

Jesse · 12/02/05 02:18PM

To the great surprise of no one, Daily News editor-in-chief Michael Cooke, who arrived at the tab less than a year ago from the Chicago Sun-Times, is returning whence he came.

Media Bubble: Too Much Room at Conde's Christmas Inn

Jesse · 12/01/05 01:01PM

• This year's Conde Christmas lunch welcomed Fairchild and Golf Digest editors and publishers, too. "It's gotten too big," one vet sniffed to Keith Kelly, reminding us all why we love to hate the Nasties. [NYP]
• Did Martha Stewart's gang steal the idea for Blueprint from Time Inc. Well, no. It just seems like they did. [WWD]
• Rightwing loons from WSJ editorial page move their TV show from PBS to the far more hospitable Fox News. [LAT]
• Tina Brown believes Bob Woodward. And she would know, being something of an expert at becoming intoxicated by proximity to powerful sources. [WP]
• Oh good. It looks like there might be buyers for Knight Ridder newspapers, which is being forced to sell itself by the soulless private-equity group that owns a big chunk of the company. The likely new buyers? Private-equity groups! [WSJ]
• How do you know the Bushies have really gone too far in their payola gimmicks? When Richard Edelman — as in Edelman PR — blasts them for giving the flackery business a bad name. []

Media Bubble: People Do Read Newspapers, They Just Don't Buy Them

Jesse · 11/29/05 03:12PM

• Hey, maybe newspaper readership isn't actually declining, if you count all those people who read papers on the web. Which would seem to make sense. [E&P]
• Syd Schanberg points out that old media will have to stick around in some form, because someone has to do the original reporting. To which we say: Duh. [VV]
• Jack Shafer says Daily Newser Lloyd Grove was right to piss on Time Warner's allegedly off-the-record Scalia event. Just like we said yesterday afternoon. [Slate]
• Judith Miller might put Lewis Libby in jail, but Time's Viveca Novak is key to keeping Karl Rove out, apparently. [WP]
• Tom Friedman sued for copyright infringement over World Is Flat cover art. By someone right here in the United States, no less. [E&P

Media Bubble: Martha Unveils a Mag We Might Read, Damn Her

Jesse · 11/22/05 03:10PM

• Martha Stewart's next mag, Blueprint, will cater to 20-somethings buying their first homes. God, might we actually have to read it? [AdAge]
• Talking Points Memo'er Josh Marshall hires two bloggers to report for him. Bloggers who have to report?! Huh? Wha? [NY Sun]
• Craig of Craiglist to launch journalism project. Which is good, because he's slowly killing newspapers by taking their classifieds, anyway. [Guardian]
• Total mag ad pages up ever so slightly in 2005. Woo-hoo! Not dead yet! [MIN]
• Disaggregated media content confuses Simon Dumenco, who generously offers to disaggregate his column. [AdAge]
• Greg Mitchell says John Tierney is full of shit. [E&P]
• NBC Universal to close Trio, leaving one fewer cable network you don't watch. [Hollywood Reporter via MSNCB]

Media Bubble: Media Conspiracy to Convene at Time Warner Center; Surprisingly, It's Not Jewish

Jesse · 11/18/05 03:00PM

• Emap considers sale of FHM to Hearst. More interesting — unless Keith Kelly is kidding, which is doesn't seem like he is — there will be a secret ceremony Nov. 28 at which outgoing Time Inc. EIC Norm Pearlstine will pass a Vatican-like miter to successor John Huey. Time Warner brass and Time Inc. top editors will be in attendance, alongside, we assume, a goodly contingent of Freemasons. [NYP]
• Bob Woodward's no ordinary reporter, says Jon Friedman [MW]
• But he's also no Judy, says Jack Shafer. [Slate]
• Wall Street agrees that newspapers are dying. Which could very well become self-fulfilling. [IHT]
• Amusingly baronial former newspaper publisher Conrad Black indicted on eight counts of fraud. [CS-T]
• Ziff Davis shutters Sync. [Jossip]
• Heretofore-believed-to-be-mild-mannered Jim Romenesko is, in fact, the scourge of college journalists everywhere. [Slate]

Media Bubble: Newspapers Are Dying. Thinktanks to the Rescue!

Jesse · 11/15/05 01:44PM

• American Press Institute launches $2 million project to figure out the future of newspapers. By all current evidence: Death. [E&P]
• How will Nightline survive post-Koppel? Standards, dammit, says Koppel. [USAT]
• Bob Woodward grew up and turned in his father, metaphorically speaking. [VV]
• Bill Keller has a "serious case of Judy Miller fatigue." Just like everyone else. [Daily Princetonian]
• Media transparency is busting out all over. Yay! [LAT]
• Liberals don't listen to the radio or watch much TV, says NBC chief. And it's for genetic reasons. [B&C]
• Aaron Brown is the king of lunch. Also, he'd take the ABC or CBS jobs, if they were offered. We would, too. [Phil. Inquirer]
• The Judy World Tour continues, last night at George Washington University. [FishbowlDC]
• Peacock to Martha: You're fired! [WP]

Media Bubble: Syd, Jim. Jim, Syd.

Jesse · 11/08/05 01:10PM

• Syd Schanberg says journalism's big problem is insufficient transparency — that is, not enough journalism about journalism. In next week's "Press Clips," we fill him in on the existence of Jim Romenesko. [VV]
• Amid yesterday's newspaper-circ horror show, Post gains on News. Yay! [NYP]
• Yet the News is still ahead. Yay! [NYDN]
• Never mind the Judy mess; NYT still hasn't fulfilled post-Jayson promises. [PR Week]
• Why'd Andrew Heyward stick around CBS News for so long after the Memogate debacle? For his pension to kick in, of course. [Radar]
• Can't figure out why you should care about the recent sale rumblings at Knight Ridder? Because no less is at stake than — cue ominous music — the entire future of print journalism. Well, fuck. [LAT]
• Ted Koppel is leaving Nightline, in case you didn't know. [WP]


Jessica · 11/08/05 07:48AM

Oh, fuck you, Matt Drudge — piquing our bloodlust so early in the morning, just to cruelly turn on us and make it about newspapers. Leave it to the internet's top druid to take a story about dropping print circulation and liken it to media genocide.