
What If Sarah Lacy Had Run Valleywag?

Ryan Tate · 11/14/08 12:40AM

Sarah Lacy, the Silicon Valley author, BusinessWeek reporter and notorious interviewer, worked a bit of grave-dancing into her blog "tribute" to Valleywag, the site gutted by Gawker Media Wednesday. Gawker Media chief Nick Denton was the "best" Valleywag editor, and his posts were "sexy, fun... and important." The site's current editor, Owen Thomas, has had far more time to dutifully torture Valley fixture Lacy and, what do you know, she writes that Valleywag "just stopped being a daily, must-read for" her under his tenure. Perhaps Lacy imagines she could have run the site better, had she taken Denton up on his offer to take the reins a couple of years ago, before Thomas came on the scene.

Valleywag woes won't stop SF journalist from talking about herself

Owen Thomas · 11/13/08 04:40PM

"I always laugh when people talk about how 'self-promotional' I am," blogs vaguely-connected-to-BusinessWeek writer Sarah Lacy in a 902-word post, "given that for ten years of my career you never knew a thing about me other than my byline." Lacy says that Valleywag was more interesting when editor-owner Nick Denton wrote it. We think she's onto an interesting pattern: Sarah Lacy was more interesting when Nick Denton wrote about her, too.

Remember when Valleywag was a startup?

Owen Thomas · 11/12/08 08:00PM

It was only two and a half years ago that Nick Denton launched Valleywag, Silicon Valley's tech gossip rag, at a time when the Internet hadn't yet resumed its froth. From the first, Paul Boutin and I were working for Nick Denton for free, feeding launch editor Nick Douglas tips and quips. As Denton wore us down, we both become official employees of Gawker Media. A bubble and a bust later, we're still here. At least through the end of the month — after which, I'll be the Valleywag both here and on, and Paul will no doubt return to his sub rosa role as advisor and instigator. Same party, different venue. Do tag along! (Photo by Scott Beale/Laughing Squid)

Extremely literal boss demotes editor to columnist

Owen Thomas · 11/12/08 06:00PM

In the wake of his apocalyptic predictions for the online-advertising market, Nick Denton, the owner of Valleywag publisher Gawker Media, read my offhand quip about how I would soon be writing Valleywag as a column for Gizmodo or Gawker, whichever will take me" as a brilliant business suggestion, and he's taking me up on the idea. (Gawker, as it happens.) Nick, I was joking, but if you really think I have such keen insight into how to manage your Web properties, why not make me a strategic consultant to Gawker Media instead — and give me a hefty raise while you're at it?

Robert Scoble now reports to my ex-boss

Owen Thomas · 11/12/08 02:20PM

This will be hilarious: Self-obsessed videoblogger Robert Scoble, managing director of, has a new boss — who's the same as my old one. Noah Robischon is leaving his job as managing editor of Valleywag's publisher, Gawker Media, to run Fast Company's websites, which include Scoble's personal blog, assumes Gawker Media publisher Nick Denton personally pulls the puppet strings at Valleywag, but since I was hired last year, I've reported to Robischon, a friend I've known since we were both at Time. Damn: This means Denton actually is personally pulling the puppet strings now, doesn't it? I'm in so much trouble. But not as much trouble as Scoble: "I'm excited to be getting back into day-to-day editorial, and building something new," Robischon writes. Translation: Scoble will have to start making sense.

Nick Denton's Forecast Of Media Doom

Hamilton Nolan · 11/12/08 10:31AM

Nick Denton, who rules over the entire Gawker empire, is the most pessimistic man in the media. In a way, this is comforting, because you know it's very unlikely that things will be worse than he predicts. In another, more visceral way, it is not comforting at all. But nobody said it was supposed to be, so oh well. Today Nick has issued his 2009 Internet Media Plan, which amounts to one big Forecast of Doom. Highlights: The main point:

Nick Denton: "Publishers are sleeping their way to extinction"

Owen Thomas · 11/11/08 08:00PM

Think things are bad in the media business? You ain't seen nothin' yet. That's the message Nick Denton, the owner of Gawker Media, an online publisher whose properties include this website, lays out in a new essay now published on his personal blog. (A draft I saw was headlined "Publishers Are Sleeping Their Way to Extinction"; he has now headlined it "A 2009 Internet Media Plan." Denton never was much good at headlines.) Analysts project a single-digit increase in online advertising in 2009; we should be so lucky, according to Denton, who writes that a 30 to 40 percent decline in all advertising spending, online and off, next year — a scenario supported by analyses of economic recessions from Sweden to Indonesia. His conclusion? "Publishers should be planning for the worst, now." Here's what Denton's cost-cutting recommendations could mean for his own company.Get out of categories such as politics to which advertisers are averse. No more election coverage on Gawker! Renegotiate vendor contracts. So much for the bar bill at Joey & Eddie's. Consolidate titles. I will soon be writing Valleywag as a column for Gizmodo or Gawker, whichever will take me. Gabriel Snyder is a lovely young man. As is Jason Chen. I can't decide which one is more handsome and brilliant, really. Offshore more. And I will be writing said column from a newly affordable Iceland. Variable compensation. For less. More value for marketers. With more ads on it.

Oprah wept on Silicon Valley investor Sam Perry

Owen Thomas · 11/07/08 01:20PM

The world watched Oprah Winfrey cry as our new Internet President delivered his victory speech. But whose shoulder did she dump mascara on? Sam Perry, a Reuters reporter turned venture capitalist based in Silicon Valley, who had volunteered as a communications director for the Obama campaign. Perry, who's due to appear on her show today, is now a visiting fellow at Stanford University and a consultant to startups. At Reuters, one of the investments he was involved with was Moreover Technologies, a news-aggregation startup cofounded by Valleywag's publisher, Nick Denton. Yes, small world. Watch Oprah sob on Perry:

Send In Your Election-Night Party Pics!

Ryan Tate · 11/04/08 08:22PM

The above shot is from the swank party at Gawker Media overlord Nick Denton's SoHo loft. Obviously we can't all have elite LCD wall projectors and a fancy media crowd because some of us are stuck in John McCain's REAL America, or maybe Brooklyn. All the more reason to send us pictures of your electoral shindigs tonight. Help us diversify this post! Mail your shots (however blurry/explicit/incriminating) to or post in the comments. We'll keep your name out of it unless you tell us otherwise. (Elitist parties are OK too. Heck, encouraged, even.) After the jump, the exciting scene at Gawker HQ. UPDATE: And more! (Last new photo: 11:52 p.m.)

Nick Denton promises 40 percent reduction in my self-esteem

Paul Boutin · 11/03/08 02:20PM

“Anyone who isn’t prepared for ads to go down 40 percent is crazy.” That's what Valleywag publisher Nick Denton blabbed to the wantrepreneurs at an event in New York last week. AllThingsD reblogger Peter Kafka rolled up Denton's irrational gloom into a big-picture gloom post this morning. There's some good news buried in the middle of Kafka's post:

Journalists Are 'Bunch of Wimps' Blackmailed By Gawker, Says Dr. Meltdown

Nick Denton · 10/17/08 03:31PM

Some background: Nouriel Roubini is an economist known for his longstanding pessimism, at the peak of his professional reputation, vindicated by the financial crisis. The NYU academic, when he's not predicting another great depression, throws parties at his vagina-encrusted Tribeca loft for young Facebook ladies. Nothing wrong with that-but the Iranian-Jewish playboy-professor equates any comment by this site on his decadent personal life with anti-Semitism. In a late-night Facebook rant earlier this week he slammed "trashy junky" Gawker and its Nazi-minded editor. Now the deranged professor disappointed by the supposedly independent journalists who've failed to take up his cause. After the jump: an extraordinary email calling New York magazine's Jessica Pressler a "coward" with a "trashy column." (By the way, Roubini's prescient warnings about the financial plight of the US won him the nickname Dr. Doom. Given his unhinged rants of the last few days, a more appropriate moniker might be Dr. Meltdown.)

'Nick Denton Is An Anti-Semite With A Nazi Mind'

Nick Denton · 10/16/08 09:14AM

Playboy-professor Nouriel Roubini has never ridden so high. The NYU economist was one of the first to warn of impending financial doom; he's burnished his reputation as an eligible intellectual; and I'm sure the regular parties at his vagina-decorated Tribeca apartment are more popular than ever among his Facebook lady-friends. Unfortunately, his economic judgment and taste in women are not matched by public relations skills: provoked by two rather affectionate pieces on his parties and Facebook stalking, Roubini has launched the most extraordinary and embarrassing tirade on my Facebook wall. Apparently the words playboy and roué are the same terms used by Nazis to describe lecherous Jews; case closed. Roubini's personal meltdown-as dramatic as the economic disintegration he's so long predicted-is entirely understandable. It was 2am when he wrote the barrage of Facebook messages reproduced after the jump; the market plunged again yesterday; and Dr. Doom must feel beset by enemies-though not at Gawker, where he promises to provide weeks of good copy and entertainment.

Valleywag cuts 60 percent of staff

Owen Thomas · 10/03/08 12:45PM

We would never sugarcoat someone else's layoffs. Why ours? Gawker Media, our publisher, has told me to cut Valleywag's costs, in anticipation of an advertising recession. In response, I have laid off associate editors Nicholas Carlson and Jackson West and reporter Melissa Gira Grant. They have all been doing excellent work, breaking stories and needling Silicon Valley. But our ultimate boss, Nick Denton, has decided he can't afford them. Paul Boutin and I will continue running the site. Denton's memo:

Happy Birthday

cityfile · 08/22/08 06:34AM

Kurt Andersen, the co-founder of Spy and former editor of New York and, turns 54 today. Also celebrating: CourtTV creator Steve Brill is 58, hedge funder Dave Ganek is 45, and 60 Minutes' Steve Kroft is 63. Tori Amos is 45 today. National Review editor-in-chief Rich Lowry is 40. And Scooter Libby is 58. On Saturday, Kobe Bryant and Strokes singer Julian Casablancas will both be 30. Village Voice fashion columnist Lynn Yaeger will turn 57. Rick Springfield will be 59. DJ Timmy Regisford will be 45. Novelist Nelson DeMille will turn 65. On Sunday, Gawker chief Nick Denton will be celebrating his 42nd birthday. The New Yorker's Adam Gopnik will turn 52. Mel Karmazin will celebrate his 65th. Craig Kilborn will be 46. Dave Chappelle will be 35. Vince McMahon will be 63. Most importantly, Steve Guttenberg will be 50.

Does Nick Denton wish he were Peter Thiel?

Owen Thomas · 07/11/08 03:20PM

"Thiel makes me sick!" read the note from Gawker Media publisher Nick Denton. His oddly personal declaration was prompted by a brief in the New York Post about former PayPal CEO Peter Thiel's success as a hedge-fund manager. Thiel will make an estimated $500 million this year running Clarium Capital, a hedge fund. (We reported this a few weeks ago, boss.) It hit me hard: Could Denton actually be jealous of Thiel?

Toby Young on Gawker

Pareene · 06/19/08 03:18PM

Toby Young became famous long, long ago, when he was fired from Vanity Fair and then wrote a book about being fired from Vanity Fair. The book was also about how VF editor Graydon Carter is a bit of a tool. No one liked the book that much [Update! Besides Nick Denton and most of the UK!] but it was kind of funny and the media stuff was fun back in the early days of Gawker. But now! Thanks to The Devil Wears Prada we're finally getting the film of the book about getting fired from Vanity Fair. Toby Young's publicity campaign begins with an interview with Young Manhattanite, in which he says this: "[Gawker] has turned New York into what the philosopher Jeremy Bentham called a Panopticon — a type of prison in which all the prisoners are capable of being observed 24/7." And then he says this: "Who's Nick Denton?" Hah. [YM]

Founders Club partiers revel in the view from the top

Nicholas Carlson · 06/06/08 12:00PM

HEARST TOWER, NEW YORK — Far from the sweaty, screaming fans that attended Digg's Brooklyn meetup Wednesday night, the suits of the Alley and Valley gathered last night on the top-most floor of the Hearst Tower for another Founders Club party to celebrate each others' transcendent splendor. All night, giant screens at either end of the party played clips from Citizen Kane, the barely fictionalized biopic based on the life of Hearst Corp.'s own founder, William Randolph Hearst. There wasn't a Hearst in the crowd, but there were those who aspire to be him. Blog moguls like PaidContent's Rafat Ali, Gawker Media's Nick Denton and AlleyCorp's Henry Blodget mingled. New CEO Jason Rapp attended, as did Digg cofounders Kevin Rose and Jay Adelson. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's mentor, Valley bad boy Sean Parker, was rumored to be in the crowd as well. Jimmy Wales, cofounder of the world's most comprehensive list of William Randolph Heart's angry responses to Citizen Kane, attended with Andrea Weckerle on his arm. Photos below.