
Soho House report

Gawker · 05/07/03 10:36AM

"You want to make me walk up stairs?!" I harrumphed. "Are you kidding? What kind of snotty exclusive private club is this?" I trudged up the stairs anyway. Stairs with dirty carpet, industrial steel rails, and oddly, really cool bizarrely shaped chandeliers.

Picked up by the gossip columns

Gawker · 03/07/03 03:52PM

"Gawker is getting noticed. Page Six quotes it today regarding GQman Art Cooper and Rush & Malloy quote a Gawker item on Daniel Libeskind.
This is important: big media paying attention to nanomedia. (It's also to Gawker's credit — Elizabeth Spiers' and Nick Denton's — that they're breaking stories.)" [Jeff Jarvis]

About Elizabeth Spiers

Gawker · 02/21/03 06:16PM

Elizabeth Spiers is the Editor of, a Manhattan weblog magazine designed by Jason Kottke, and published by Nick Denton. Current obsessions/topics of interest include but are not limited to, urban dating rituals, Cond Nastiness, celebutantes, Hamptons gauche, real estate porn, ironic hipster couture, fantasy skyscrapers, downwardly mobile i-bankers, Eurotrash infestations, loathesome literati, no-ropes social climbing, pomp, circumstance, and other matters of serious import. Gawker was named to Entertainment Weekly's 2003 "IT list", one of Time magazine's "Top 50 Websites" for 2003, a "Best Media Blog" (2003) by Forbes, and a "Best of Breed" online news site by the New York New Media Association. Spiers is also a freelance journalist and has written for, Radar magazine, Black Book magazine, The Face, The New York Times, and Page Six. Prior to Gawker, Spiers was a buy-side financial analyst focusing on small cap tech equities and early stage venture capital. Spiers earned a BA in Political Science and Public Policy from Duke University.

For the Record

Gawker · 12/20/02 07:31PM

Nick Denton and Elizabeth Spiers met at a Metafilter get-together. If you have no idea what a Metafilter get-together is, trust us, it doesn't matter.


Gawker · 12/19/02 02:14PM

lizsnyc: wow. number 1 on blogdex. whose swiss bank account did we stuff for that?
ndenton: no one important. some geek. number one on popdex, too.
lizsnyc: someone on metafilter says they hope they never see the site again.
ndenton: key phrase: "someone on metafilter."
lizsnyc: valid point.
ndenton: lots of people appear to like it. then again, lots of people are pathological liars.
lizsnyc: and we would know.
ndenton: no idea what you're talking about.
lizsnyc: if we get lots of traffic and make no money, does that mean we can acquire Time Warner? there's certainly a precedent.
ndenton: would we *want* to acquire Time Warner?
lizsnyc: valid point.


Gawker · 12/18/02 05:20PM

To: Nick Denton, Publisher
From: Elizabeth Spiers, Editor
Date: December 18, 2002
Re: what the fuck

After Hours

Gawker · 11/15/02 10:09AM

There's a Scorsese movie, After Hours, a great movie, in which Griffin Dunne stumbles around Manhattan, as if in an...

Nick Denton, 98% dead

Gawker · 04/17/02 11:25AM

A new interactive web game: how dead are you? Plug in the address of the nearest landmark, choose the megatonnage...


Gawker · 03/12/02 05:01AM

For the next few days or weeks or as long as I feel so inclined, I will be answering "Frequently Asked Questions" for those of you who may be new to Gawker. The first five are below. Submit new questions to