Twitter-Phobic Martha Stewart Fears Wrath of Snoop Dogg
Ryan Tate · 10/06/09 05:14PMHeavens knows what they would think if Stewart just transmitted their intimate off-camera comments to the entire world. The likes of Snoop Dogg might not trust her with their deepest secrets anymore. No, better to keep the Martha Stewart Twitter an occult bible of hellish fire pits opening on the surface of the Earth. Douglas can keep hawking TwitterWit, his printed collection of amusing tweets; Stewart seems more likely to buy — or publish — something along the lines of TwitterWoe.
You Wrote My Twitter Book, Now Promote It!
Ryan Tate · 08/25/09 01:20PMGawker's 'Status Galley' Book Club: Twitter Wit, The Authorized Book Of Tweets
Foster Kamer · 08/09/09 09:30PMAT&T Has Managed To Piss Off the Wrong Bunch of Web-Nerds
The Cajun Boy · 07/27/09 04:09AMWarring Twitter Books in Publication Race
Ryan Tate · 07/16/09 05:07PMRob Corddry Sorry About the Ogling
Ryan Tate · 06/23/09 09:49PMApple Keynote Reimagined by the Twitterati
Ryan Tate · 06/08/09 08:09PMFuture Blogger Book Deal of the Week
The Cajun Boy · 05/11/09 08:11PMNew York Times Writer Learns about 'Internets' at SXSW
Owen Thomas · 03/18/09 12:46PMHarperCollins Paid $50,000 For Book of Re-Tweets: Source
Ryan Tate · 03/17/09 10:58PM
We'll concede that former Valleywag Nick Douglas is, in our limited experience, among the wittiest Twitter users out there, and an entertaining chronicler of internet culture. But, really, $50,000 for his book of re-tweets?
That's what our New York publishing source tells us Douglas netted as an advance from his publisher, HarperCollins, for TwitterWit, his collection of other people's microblogging posts. Though he's not writing much original content for the project, Douglas assured us that slogging through submissions — want your tweets to LIVE FOREVER? click here — was pretty, uh, draining, "like watching five hours of porn: your sense of humor dies halfway through."
SXSW, the Conference for Julia Allison and Other People Lacking Real Jobs
Scott Kidder · 03/15/09 05:00PMTwitter Is For Risotto Lovers
Gabriel Snyder · 03/06/09 05:20PMBook Of Twitter Bookmarks Bought By HarperCollins
Ryan Tate · 02/26/09 04:06AMTwitter's Evil Plot to Destroy the English Language
Owen Thomas · 02/19/09 02:33PMRemember when Valleywag was a startup?
Owen Thomas · 11/12/08 08:00PM
It was only two and a half years ago that Nick Denton launched Valleywag, Silicon Valley's tech gossip rag, at a time when the Internet hadn't yet resumed its froth. From the first, Paul Boutin and I were working for Nick Denton for free, feeding launch editor Nick Douglas tips and quips. As Denton wore us down, we both become official employees of Gawker Media. A bubble and a bust later, we're still here. At least through the end of the month — after which, I'll be the Valleywag both here and on, and Paul will no doubt return to his sub rosa role as advisor and instigator. Same party, different venue. Do tag along! (Photo by Scott Beale/Laughing Squid)
Cheap, bad pitch party upstages expensive, bad pitch party
Jackson West · 09/10/08 09:40AMSure, it's just a bunch of disgruntled kids at legendary San Francisco after-work bar House of Shields slinging tech slang and calling into question the reductionism ideal for deal making in the Valley. But few of the ideas presented at interface designer Eris Stassi and author Paul Carr's hastily assembled "Smack My Pitch Up" were so farfetched as to be unbelievable. In the poorly-shot video above, the three finalists join Calacanis Cup winner and founding Valleywag editor Nick Douglas in presenting business ideas to change the world, from prostitute-tracking plans (thankfully preempted by prior art) to a community-oriented embrace of institutional buggery. It wasn't pretty, but then paying for an emo kid's suicide in order to offset your carbon footprint, as winner suggests, never is.
Meet Leah Culver and her circle of ex-boyfriends
Melissa Gira Grant · 08/15/08 02:00PM
Programming Django isn't quite the same as dropping Dorothy Parker quips at lushed-out parties, but Pownce cofounder Leah Culver's line last night warmed even my cynical heart. Scene: We were mobbed briefly around the photo booth at 330 Ritch, former gay bathhouse and setting for the public launch of Yahoo's location-based mobile social thing, Fire Eagle. "Melissa, I want you to meet Cal Henderson," she said, presenting Flickr's head of engineering. "He's a fan ..."And here Mr. Henderson shook my hand and didn't mind at all when I said it was really his longtime companion Tom Coates, part of the Fire Eagle team and old queer hand of the blogosphere, whom I came out to meet. "We're here in my circle of exes," Culver continued. "And I have one to toss back at you," I added. The rest of the evening is lost in a botched Flip video file sync — no footage for you — and a flurry of text messages wherein I tried to locate the guy getting a handjob in the men's room at the end of the night. No help from Fire Eagle there! Tip me if you know who the lucky jack was? (Photo by Andrew Mager)
Robert Scoble, other Valley bon vivants subject of latest ego-stroking linkbait
Jackson West · 07/29/08 03:00PM
Vancouver-based NowPublic is ostensibly all about citizen journalism. But since Guy Kawasaki sold Truemors to it and signed up as an advisor, it's becoming better known for publishing flattering lists of "influencers," supposedly ranking them according to various social media metrics. The first "Most Public" list focused on New York, but a new list for the Valley and San Francisco is "coming soon." And by virtue of being included in the latest edition, we received an early copy as a press release. Who comes out on top? Ubiquitous attention slut Robert Scoble, naturally. Full list after the jump.
The Valleywag-Boing Boing sex map
Melissa Gira Grant · 07/02/08 02:00PM
"Did you sleep with Violet Blue? I can't keep track," my editor IM'd me. He's not nosy; he's just trying to stay on top of things. To help him — and you — out, I've dashed off this sex map of l'affaire Boing Boing, including my own involvement. (Why didn't Xeni Jardin just do this in the first place? In retrospect, that seems easier than taking the abuse she's now getting.) Jardin thinks blogging one's personal life is "stupid," but then, I get to report for an operation where my seriously gay editor factchecks the difference between "lesbian" and "girl-on-girl." And if we're fucking the people we're reporting on, we'll tell you. So no, I did not sleep with Violet Blue. Even though she asked.