Today in Twitter, Spanish speakers confused Karen Tumulty, Touré was ready to sell out, Nick Douglas needed the money more, Bonnie Fuller believes celebrities and Patrick Gavin saw the bright side of soup kitchens.

Time's Karen Tumulty and Rachel Maddow buddy Ana Marie Cox were fascinated by the funny ways foreigners speak.

Music critic Touré applauded John Mayer's effort to monetize Twitter in ways that Obama's latest, disastrous economic advisor would never dare.

Money was also on the mind of Gawker alum Nick Douglas as he learned that collecting a book of funny tweets does not solve money problems as quickly as one would like.

The Politico's gossip reporter Patrick Gavin opined that todays poors are living on easy street.

Former celebrity magazine editor Bonnie Fuller revealed herself as the only person in the world who believes Madonna hasn't had some work done.

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