
Lady Faces Jail for Calling White French Guys Mean Name

Hamilton Nolan · 12/14/11 04:55PM

In France, people are all very sensitive about things, and prefer to approach sensitive issues (all) by arguing sophisticated points of serious political philosophy, while making dismissive hand gestures and holding cigarettes. This is why the French are such a bunch of pussies who aren't even tough enough to be involved in several doomed wars of choice in the Muslim world. Le wimps! Amirite?

Black Students Are Late Because Slaves Were Late, Said College Professor

Hamilton Nolan · 02/21/11 09:33AM

What with the alarming recent pseudotrend of racism permeating college campuses, we'd be remiss if we didn't bring you up to speed on this late-breaking story from Friday: Mark Wattier (pictured, atop horse), a political science professor at Murray State University, has decided to retire after being suspended by the school for allegedly making a racial remark to two black students who, he said, showed up late for class. The student says:

College Kids All Racist In Their Own Special Ways

Hamilton Nolan · 07/08/09 11:12AM

College: where drunk kids are guinea pigs for social science. The funnest college-kid studies involve race, because they make everyone uncomfortable! Now comes a new study of interracial college roommates that proves we're all terrible. A racial breakdown:

Young Whites Unclear On Proper Use Of Slurs

Hamilton Nolan · 07/23/08 11:22AM

White man Michael Tunison (the same white man fired by the Washington Post for having an outside blog-racism in action?) has written a column for Who cares? White people like us who control the media, that's who! That's because Tunison's point is that most young whites today have friends of different races and would hate to be called racist, which is true but not that revelatory. The real reason we're interested is that they've illustrated the piece with a photo of Stephen Colbert and his "black friend Alan," played by our close personal friend Jordan Carlos! We emailed with him a couple times, we feel like we know him! I guess having a multicultural cast of friends comes naturally to young whites like us. Actually, we just felt the need to point this out: Tunison's piece is called "Racist: The N-Word for White People." That should be "Nilla." We've been over this. [The Root]

Deep In The Heart Of Nilla Brooklyn

Hamilton Nolan · 07/22/08 11:19AM

Bushwick, Brooklyn was once a minority neighborhood. Really! Recently, a bunch of hipsters have moved in there. But here's a secret: Bushwick is still a minority neighborhood. It even has ten separate housing projects, which are not full of whites! But Brooklyn's minorities are boring, because they're hardly on the cutting edge of art, culture, or cheap imported beer. So when Paper Magazine set out this month to answer the head-scratchingly inane question "Can the hipster ghettos of Brooklyn really replace Manhattan?", they took the logical step of including only the relevant people in the neighborhood: tattooed nilla hipsters. Check out these scans of the magazine's photo shoot and play "Guess the area's demographics":

Brave Lounge Owner Cracks Down On Stingy Black Professionals

Hamilton Nolan · 07/11/08 09:55AM

The Black PR Society of New York had its summer mixer at the huge rooftop lounge at 230 Fifth in Manhattan on Wednesday night. But apparently the 40-person group hadn't reserved it for a private event or something (although the website says "Reservations are not necessary since we can very comfortably accommodate over 1,000 guests at the same time"). So the club's owner, Steven Greenberg, did what any logical, businesslike man would do when he sees 40 black professionals at his lounge listening to a speech from a prominent national political pundit: "I told them, 'I would like all of you out of here immediately.'"