
An Annotated History of Lindsay Lohan Nudity

Maureen O'Connor · 12/13/11 01:35PM

Lindsay Lohan's Playboy issue hits newsstands this week, amid widespread disappointment. Over the last six years, every part of Lindsay has been photographed repeatedly. (Her latest nip slip occurred this morning.) Now presenting Lindsay Lohan: A Portrait of the Starlet as the Sum of Her Private Parts. NSFW after the jump.

Is Lindsay Lohan Buying Drugs in This Video?

Maureen O'Connor · 08/11/11 10:56AM

Lindsay Lohan buys something on the streets of Venice Beach. Dianna Agron thinks Lindsay is "sad." Gloria Steinem hates on the Kardashians. Rebecca Black says she got bullied out of school. Thursday gossip suspends disbelief.

Violent Nightmares to Turn Angelina Jolie Into a Murderer

Maureen O'Connor · 08/09/11 10:57AM

Brad is afraid Angie will stab him in his sleep. Kelly Rowland has a double nip slip. Kate Gosselin lures a man with cupcakes, and fails. Jennifer Lopez wears four pairs of Spanx at once. Tuesday gossip draws shallow breaths.

Khloe Kardashian Shows Nipple on Fox & Friends

Maureen O'Connor · 06/07/11 12:12PM

Khloe Kardashian wore a transparent top and no bra on Fox & Friends today, and sat there chatting with the hosts for two minutes straight, with her right nipple exposed. Did the censors not notice it? Do nipples not count when they're behind sheer fabric?

Did Emma Stone Slip a Nip During Last Night's SNL?

Matt Toder · 10/24/10 12:34PM

SNL flirts with the difficulty of live television every episode, sometimes tripping up lip-syncing starlets and sometimes letting fly an occasional f-bomb. Last night, during a sketch, host Emma Stone attempted a complicated maneuver that exposed a nipple.

Media Bubble: Stretching For Those Late August Stories

abalk2 · 08/28/06 10:50AM

• Gruff, avuncular voice may introduce Katie Couric. Or not. [NYDN]
• Domain for new magazine using common word as name already taken. [WWD]
Virginia Heffernan and Jon Fine are hot on the trail of lonelygirl15. Imagine if they teamed up! It would be like Nancy Drew meets the Hardy Boys! Except, you know, about solving a YouTube mystery. [Screens]
• Even the nipple slips are third tier this week. [Egotastic]

Remainders: Boy George, Feminine Garbage Man

Jessica · 06/28/06 06:00PM

• Instead of serving hard time for cocaine possession, Boy George will be doing community service. Specifically, he'll be working for the Department of Sanitation. With the summer heat melting rat turds everywhere, we would've opted to be a prison bitch. [OMG]
• Terror returns to the financial district: Naomi Campbell moving into 55 Wall Street. [WSJ]
• Peter Kaplan and Arthur Carter are surprisingly hot. [The Real Estate]
• If Star Jones and Al Reynolds were fish, she'd be the bug-eyed starfish and he'd be a gay-as-a-rainbow trout. [Gallery of the Absurd]
• Heather Graham gets ice cream and you don't. But really, she needs it more than you do. [Almost Literary]
• If you combine Times heds with the final paragraph of the accompanying story, you get a simplified, if not mildly insane, result. [Bumper Active]
• Grace Edwards toes dangerously at the nipslip line — really, New York Social Diary just doesn't do that sort of thing, dear. [NYSD]
• This is extremely late-breaking, but when in doubt, blame sagging circulation on natural disasters. You can't argue with God's weather patterns! [Mediaweek (last graf)]

Remainders: Despite Waning Public Interest, Paris Hilton's Sandy Nipple Refuses to Be Ignored

Jessica · 05/25/06 06:00PM

• Just in time for the long weekend, it's a Paris Hilton nip slip. Personally, we find the footage of her writhing around in the sand, trying so hard to be sexy for her new video, to be far more comical than stupid ol' areola. [TMZ]
• And yet again, another exploration that blogging and menial desk jobs do not always mix. Thanks, we think everyone's got it now. [NYT]
• Jeff Koons brings his sculptural magic to the park at 7 World Trade Center; we don't care if balloon flower sculptures have been all over the place, there's still something about it that just looks dirty. [Animal]
• Kaavya Viswanathan finally joins the ranks of JT Leroy and Go Ask Alice. [Wikipedia]
• The Morning News releases its 2006 Editors' Awards for Online Excellence. We're honored to be noted for our creepiness factor. [TMN]
• An ode to the hipsters whose time has most definitely passed. [Gazpachot]
• We write for everyone, even high school dropouts. [Muckraked]
• Another reason to love Frank Bruni: while on his grand fast-food tour, he got lost because his companion was reading Us Weekly aloud, distracting Bruni from the road and luring him into the world of Charlie and Denise. We've all been there, buddy. [Diner's Journal]

Afternoon Ephemera Dump

Jessica · 04/21/06 02:34PM

The Daily traipses about Plum Sykes' fantabulous book party — all pink! Candles! Plum-tinis! But there's a dark side, we learn: Plum's preggers. [The Daily]
• Detroit catches on to the payola hotness: Former Secretary of LaborRobert Reich claims that a GM PR firm offered him cash to speak well of an employee buyout. [Jalopnik]
• Sucks to be Julia Roberts. For once, anyhow. [The Feed]
• The rumored "lost chapter" to Neil Strauss' pickup bible, The Game. No doubt Nick Sylvester is devouring it right now. [Neil Strauss]
• Name the socialite! [Opinionistas]
Seventeen editor Atoosa Rubenstein's MySpace is like an orchid in a sea of carnations. [MySpace]
• Big props to Ronn [sic] Torossian — not only has he managed to get himself involved with the 2nd stripper involved in the Duke lacrosse rape case, but he's got her email on display for everyone. She must be thrilled to have someone so brilliant on her team. [Ronn Torossian]
• Blackface Jesus and testicles. That's all you need to know. [I Keep a Diary (NSFW?)]
• And last but by no means ever the least, Tara Reid lets her nipples come out to play. [Egotastic]

Remainders: Kathy Hilton's Motherly Nipple

Jessica · 01/16/06 05:25PM

• Kathy Hilton takes a tip from daughter Paris and goes for the midlife-crisis nip-slip. Click to enlarge (NSFW) and shudder. [Jossip]
• Sharp eyes may have noted that Vogue editbeast Anna Wintour's stepson, Samuel Shaffer, was married last Thursday to Kathryn Neale, a freelance writer. Let's hope Ms. Neale freelances enough to finance enough couture to wardrobe a lifetime of dinners with the in-laws. (Also, the wedding was in New Zealand, which explains the shocked emails we got from random Kiwi readers who thought they were hallucinating visions of Chanel tweed.) [NYT]
• And, as long as we're in the Styles section, yes, we too endured the article on teen clubs, featuring barely-legal "promoter" and Grubman PR intern Lexi Lehman. Could she reach media saturation before her 18th birthday? [NYT]
• Everyone's favorite blogging stripper, Mimi in NY, does her thing for the UK Sun. We find her graduation pictures from Cambridge particularly interesting; it's interesting what a blog and a gig at Scores does for to your appearance. [Sun UK]
• Slate hed writers go for the lowest common denominator and ask, "Are teachers who sleep with their students getting off?" Well, for all that trouble, we should hope so. [Slate]
• You'll find a lot of crap on the subway, but only the truly blessed find a bag full of Adderall and condoms. [Craigslist]

Gossip Roundup: Tara Reid Back in Fine Form

Jessica · 11/17/05 11:52AM

• After we heard of Tara Reid's good behavior at her 30th birthday party in Los Angeles, we were worried we'd lost our girl to the dark side. Fear not, however: After celebrating her birthday in Miami by fastening a magnum of champagne to her mouth, Reid had to be carried out of the bar. [R&M (bottom of page)]
• Nick Lachey doesn't want anything to do with wifey Jessica Simpson's birthday plans for his 32nd, unless they involve divorce papers. [Scoop]
• Trouble at SonyBMG: Bruce Springsteen gets re-signed for $100 million while Neil Diamond and Celine Dion CDs get recalled. Your mother is simultaneously thrilled and devastated. [Page Six]
• Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee might not tip his waitresses, but he does offer them pot and quiet time in his limo, so long as they don't mind any sorts of hepatitis. [Lowdown (2nd item)]
• You may watch the O.C. like a religious retard, but did you watch it closely enough to catch star Mischa Barton's nipple? [Page Six]

Remainders: Paris Hilton's Bruised Bentley

Jessica · 11/09/05 06:00PM

• Stavros Niarchos plows Paris Hilton's Bentley into a truck. Lindsay Lohan laughs at the half-assed imitation. [Defamer]
• Perhaps someday Paris will be reduced to little more than a bunch of shitty old pictures on eBay, just like her mother. [eBay]
• A warm congratulations to Philadelphia-booster Jessica Pressler, whose "sixth borough" Times piece has burrowed itself deep into the cultural lexicon of...Gilmore Girls. Next up, an OC mention. [Verbose Coma]
• Demi Moore takes nip-slipping to a whole new level, much to the chagrin of anyone with minimal visual capabilities. [Cityrag]
• Hetracil is the most widely prescribed anti-effeminate medication in the world. Pop a pill and fix that gay today! [Hetracil]