
Veterans, Homelessness, and the Long Road Back

Hamilton Nolan · 11/11/13 03:23PM

Curtis Peterson, a veteran of Operation Desert Storm, lost his civilian job in Georgia in the recession. So he got on a bus to New York. Once here, he promptly had a stroke. Today, he considers himself one of the lucky ones.

Hamilton Nolan · 11/08/13 03:45PM

"I will not criticize" incoming NYC mayor Bill de Blasio, said outgoing NYC mayor Mike Bloomberg today. Remember that, everyone.

Lacey Donohue · 10/31/13 12:08AM

The New York City Council voted Wednesday to raise the minimum age for buying tobacco from 18 to 21. The new minimum age will take effect six months after Mayor Michael Bloomberg signs the bill into law.

Here’s How to Make Subway Conductors Smile

Lacey Donohue · 10/30/13 09:45PM

If you’ve spent enough time on the subway in New York, you’ve probably noticed the train-conductors pointing at a striped black-and-white sign each time they pull into a station. The conductors are required to do this to show they’ve fully arrived on the platform.

Hamilton Nolan · 10/17/13 11:45AM

Banksy's newest NYC piece is a silhouette work in East Williamsburg. A graffiti writer who tagged the piece was "caught and beaten up."

Biggie Too Criminal, Too Fat To Have Brooklyn Corner Named After Him

Camille Dodero · 10/16/13 05:45PM

Earlier this year, Brooklyn resident LeRoy McCarthy started an online petition to name a local street corner after Biggie Smalls, specifically an intersection near the late rapper's childhood home. The petition gained enough strength to be brought before a community board hearing yesterday and DNA Info reports that the board members weren't so keen on dedicating part of their neighborhood to the man responsible for "Ten Crack Commandments." In fact, they complained that Biggie was too criminal, too misogynistic, and, weirdly, too physically unfit to deserve the tribute.

That's essentially what one member told the room:

Hamilton Nolan · 10/16/13 12:03PM

The newest Banksy NYC piece—a "performance/sculpture hybrid"—is outside of a McDonald's in the South Bronx.

Lacey Donohue · 10/14/13 07:49PM

According to a new survey, 20 percent of adults living in New York City are binge drinkers.

Graffiti Mecca 5Pointz Will Be Demolished

Hamilton Nolan · 10/10/13 09:47AM

This was bound to happen one way or another, but that doesn't make it any easier: 5Pointz, a huge, empty warehouse building in Queens that's long been a magnet for the world's best graffiti artists, will be demolished to make way for condos. Insta-commemorative 5Pointz photo gallery below.

Taylor Berman · 10/09/13 05:02PM

The undercover NYPD officer arrested yesterday in connection with last week's motorcycle attack has been identified as Det. Wojciech Braszczok. The 10-year veteran was initially charged with criminal mischief, but on Wednesday prosecutors added a felony charge of gang assault.