A New York teacher lost her job this week when school officials found out she had been getting dating advice from her nine-year-old students.

According to DNAinfo, Cassendre Fiering—an actress and substitute teacher—was dating two men at the same time when she realized she had an invaluable resource available to her: a class full of fourth graders.

Investigators say she acted out scenarios in which the kids were her and she was the boyfriends. She complained that the younger boyfriend, a mechanic in Rhode Island, didn't return her phone calls, according to the report.

Students told investigators she called them her "munchkins" and asked her to toilet paper the mechanic's home, according to the report.

The report says Fiering hugged one student, tapped another on his shoulder and touched the thighs of two other students.

The class eventually advised Fiering to break up with her younger, less responsive paramour, although she apparently ignored their sage advice.

"The younger guy was just a weird guy and I never really figured it out," Fiering told DNAinfo this week. "He was very strange and it upset me. He gave a lot of mixed messages. I think I just had to give up."

Fiering was fired from her substitute position at P.S. 189 in the Bronx in December, after a Department of Education investigation concluded she had acted inappropriately.

She plans to appeal the decision, saying the report contains blatant lies and that, "It was also G-rated... I certainly wasn't talking about sex or anything."

[image via IMDB]