Teen Accidentally Hangs Himself With Halloween Noose Decoration

An infamous Halloween urban legend came tragically true (yet again) for one Kentucky mom whose son accidentally hanged himself with a noose the family was using as a Halloween decoration.
Jordan Morlan, 16, of Louisville was attempting to play a prank on his sister by pretending he had hanged himself with a noose decoration tied to a tree outside their home in Fern Creek.
But after slipping the noose around his neck, Jordan inadvertently cut off oxygen to his brain and quickly lost consciousness.
Jordan's mom Ginger Rodriguez tried in vain to cut him down, but was unable to lower him before emergency services arrived.
The teen was rushed to a nearby hospital, but after 12 hours in a coma his organs began to fail, and he ultimately passed away.
Rodriguez remembered her son as a lover of both pranks and Halloween, and hoped his death will serve a valuable lesson to other families whose kids might be considering pulling a similar stunt.