Halloween is a special time when drunken adults dressed as horrifying clowns start crashing their cars and freaking people out down at the McDonald's. Over the next 10 days, hundreds of scary clowns will be arrested nationwide for all kinds of terrible behavior. When a person decides to be an evil clown for Halloween, they are basically planning on being arrested.

Clown Season began in Pittsfield, Maine, early on Sunday morning when a 64-year-old man made up as a very old version of Heath Ledger's The Joker crashed his car into various trees. Police charged Dennis Lalime with drunken driving, after he allegedly smashed his 2002 Buick Regal into trees and boulders and whatever else was in his way.

In the New Jersey town of Hampton, residents were enjoying their Saturday dinner at the McDonald's when a sinister man dressed as hamburger clown Ronald McDonald was seen lurching around the customers' cars, apparently trying to get inside them or maybe just looking for his own car. Police eventually found their alleged clown at a nearby Halloween party, but the situation quickly spiraled out of human control:

While the troopers spoke to Andrew Hannah, his brother who was wearing a Smeagol costume, approached the troopers and began to interfere, police said. Matthew Hannah appeared to be intoxicated and shouted in an unknown language, according to police.

A "sea captain" was arrested along with the Gollum and Ronald McDonald, police said.

Meanwhile in Mexico, a notorious drug kingpin was shot dead by a clown at a beach house in Baja California Sur. Francisco Rafael Arellano Felix was killed by an assassin clown on Saturday, authorities say. The clown wore a red nose and a red wig, and is considered armed and dangerous.

Experts believe this could be the deadliest Clown Season ever. Please be careful.

[Mugshots via AP and the Sussex County Jail via the New Jersey Herald.]