Thank Amy Schumer for Every Unbleeped "Pussy" on Comedy Central

The word "pussy" will no longer be bleeped out on Comedy Central, thanks to the fine, patriotic work of Amy Schumer and her producers. At a panel over the weekend, Inside Amy Schumer head writer Jessi Klein explained how the show achieved what she rightly calls "a great moment in American history."
Executive producer Dan Powell sent the network an impassioned plea based on gender equality: "Dick" has been fair game for some time now, while the female equivalent has been censored. After a conference call that Schumer called "Dan's Mr. Smith Goes to Washington," the network agreed to free the pussy.
The first sketch to break the pussy barrier was "Acting Off-Camera," which Schumer said was the funniest of season 2. I don't want to spoil it for you, but let's just say it prominently features an animated meerkat vagina.