

Brendan O'Connor · 06/13/15 09:20AM

Lucky Bastard Jerry Seinfeld Grabs Coffee With Amy Schumer

Jay Hathaway · 11/14/14 03:11PM

Jerry Seinfeld's "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee," a webseries about Seinfeld getting paid to drive classic and/or expensive automobiles, just picked up Amy Schumer in a semi-functional '70s Ferrari for a chat about dating, having a short temper, psychotherapy, and whether Kate Upton is funny (no).

Thank Amy Schumer for Every Unbleeped "Pussy" on Comedy Central

Jay Hathaway · 11/10/14 10:36AM

The word "pussy" will no longer be bleeped out on Comedy Central, thanks to the fine, patriotic work of Amy Schumer and her producers. At a panel over the weekend, Inside Amy Schumer head writer Jessi Klein explained how the show achieved what she rightly calls "a great moment in American history."

This Amy Schumer Sketch is Every Couple Trying to Decide What to Watch

Jay Hathaway · 05/15/14 03:37PM

Streaming video services are a blessing and a curse. Trying to choose from among the documentary you swear you'll watch someday, a campy horror remake, one of Tyler Perry's 50 Tyler Perry movies starring Tyler Perry, and Cocktail is hard enough when you're alone. Throw another person into the mix, and you don't stand a chance.

Amy Schumer's Interview With a 106-Year-Old Woman Is Perfect

Rich Juzwiak · 05/07/14 07:43AM

In the "Amy Goes Deep" segment from last night's Inside Amy Schumer, Schumer deftly walks the line of vibing with and mocking 106-year-old Downing, who's being interviewed precisely because she is 106 (no other reason is needed). I love that Downing regularly lets Schumer's smart-assed questions fall flat, sometimes to the point of ignoring them. If that isn't shade, it sure reads like it. I love Downing's one-liners (on not using Twitter: "I don't know any of the new things"; on social changes she's seen women go through: "Well, everybody's wearing pants").

You Should Read Amy Schumer’s Powerful, Funny Speech About Self-Worth

Kelly Conaboy · 05/03/14 12:30PM

Yesterday, we read Gabourey Sidibe's incredible speech on confidence and feminism from Thursday night's Gloria Awards and Gala, which was hosted by the Ms. Foundation for Women. A transcript of Amy Schumer's speech from the same event has since been released, detailing confidence and body-image issues, and struggling to see yourself the way you deserve to be seen. (Plus, finding a love of Sam Cooke.) It is well worth a read.

Amy Schumer Can Take a Compliment

Maggie Lange · 05/17/13 05:45PM

In the most recent episode of Inside Amy Schumer, comedian Amy Schumer’s new show on Comedy Central, there is a sketch about not taking a compliment. A group of women greets each other by doling out kind words and then immediately dismissing the accolade. Oh I look pretty? No I actually look like Susan Boyle's toothbrush.