Is the cast of The Maze Runner cursed? Uh, yeah, I’d say so—just take a look at the evidence.

The dark times apparently began earlier this year, when the cast members liberated (stole, pillaged, whatever you want to call it, it’s just semantics, baby) some ancient artifacts during a film shoot. Their cautionary tale, via the Guardian:

“We filmed in New Mexico, in these mountains. It hadn’t been used for filming ever before ... They gave us this big speech when we got there to shoot, and they said, ‘Don’t take anything. Respect the grounds,’” said O’Brien, 24. “They were very strict about littering and [said] don’t take any artefacts: rocks, skulls – anything like that. And everyone just takes stuff, you know, obviously.

Within a week, five of our actors went down ill, random stuff like appendectomy, 105 fever, broken ankle … They had to send me home for two nights early, because I had a fever.”

And although the film eventually wrapped, the curse didn’t: just this month the movie premiere had to be moved after the original theater became infested with bed bugs (though to be fair to ancient New Mexico curses, that one might just be a regular New York nightmare.)

But it’s getting so bad that they can’t even talk about the curse without it rearing its ugly head—just ask actor Dylan O’Brien. He told Kelly & Michael that antiquities story last week, and bam—just like that—a petition signed by close to 30,000 people materialized, as if from a cloud of campfire smoke, condemning them for looting. Whatever, who cares what the haters say—are they even real or just a manifestation of the curse? Something to think about.

Anyway, if you weren’t planning on watching The Maze Runner—I sure as hell wasn’t—here’s the cast list. Probably not the worst idea to memorize their faces so you can cross the street or get off the flight if you spot them. Or just go on living your life, I guess: what’s the worst that could happen?

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