The 72-hour cease-fire ended in Gaza this morning after Hamas fired at least 18 rockets into Israel, and Israel responded with airstrikes. According to the BBC, a 12-year-old Palestinian boy was killed in a strike near Gaza City. Almost 2,000 people have died in the conflict so far, including 414 Palestinian children.

Israel derided Hamas for ending the cease-fire, and said it was pulling out of peace deal negotiations in Cairo because the government won't "negotiate under fire." Israeli army spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner told the New York Times in a statement, "The renewed rocket attacks by terrorists at Israel are unacceptable, intolerable and shortsighted. Hamas's bad decision to breach the cease-fire will be pursued by the IDF. We will continue to strike Hamas, its infrastructure, its operatives and restore security for the State of Israel."

Gaza citizens aren't sure what comes next. Anas Kaferna, 25, who's house was destroyed by an Israeli strike, told the Times, "Now it seems the situation will get harder. Maybe yes and maybe no. I don't understand politics."

[Image via AP]