Over the weekend, we learned that a Daily Show-staged showdown between Native American activists and supporters of the Washington Redskins name left at least one of the Redskins fans feeling "in danger" and "defamed." Last night, that segment aired.

After a long buildup in which Jon Stewart details the minor controversy that followed the taping—including an ineffectual attempt to file a police report by one of the fans—we get to the heart of it. Four Redskins die-hards in one room, eight Native American activists in the other, each group making its case. The Native Americans are right, of course—the Redskins name is baldly racist—and the segment reflects that.

The only letdown is that the surprise confrontation between the two groups—that is, the very thing that got people riled up—is glossed over at the end, with a few short clips and no sound. All in all, the "ambushed" Skins fans could have had it much, much worse.